Government Executive Vol. 38 No.2

magazine cover image


  • Fits and Starts
    Despite innumerable challenges, reconstruction in Iraq is moving forward.
    By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Missed Signals
    Katrina laid bare the sorry state of emergency communications-now what?
    By David Perera
  • Swamped
    National Flood Insurance Program policyholders are left to sink or swim on their own.
    By Justin Rood


  • The Cunningham Web
    Investigations and potential targets multiply in bribery scandal. By Jason Vest
  • Shopping Together
    As agencies combine buying power, stragglers hurry to get on board. By Kimberly Palmer
  • Radical Reformer
    Real Defense changes could mean contracting out military units, warfare expert says. By Jason Vest
  • Full of Beans
    Products from Mother Nature get a boost, beginning this year. By Kimberly Palmer
  • Reality Check
    Army Reserve chief adjusts image, expectations and size of part-time force. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Leadership Profile

    Cosmic Downers
    Astronaut's memoir reminds technology program managers that they can't ignore the human element. By Beth Dickey


  • Managing Technology

    Systems Doctor
    The VA chief information officer has more power than ever, but will it get IT back on track? By David Perera
  • Management Matters

    Work Auditions
    Here's an idea: New employees should excel to keep their jobs. By Brian Friel
  • Political World

    Ambush Alley
    Impassioned Democrats skate dangerously close to the impeachment trap. By Charles Mahtesian
  • Viewpoint

    Government's Work
    IRS push to contract out inherently federal jobs puts taxpayers at risk. By Colleen M. Kelley


  • Editor's Notebook
    David E. Rosenbaum set a standard to which all the media should aspire.
  • Letters
  • The Buzz
    High-cost hiring, weathering 2005 and bye to Hi.
  • Outlook
    The new conservative message: "We're from the government. Trust us." By Tom Shoop

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