Government Executive Vol. 38 No.5

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  • Threat Connector
    Two years ago, John O. Brennan got the nod to build a new kind of intelligence organization. But to do it, he had to persuade the most powerful, turf-conscious agencies in government to donate staff and money.
    By Justin Rood
  • Getting to Liftoff
    NASA's mission management team puts a new philosophy on the flight line for Discovery.
    By Beth Dickey
  • Haunted by Abu Ghraib
    Having helped reveal abuse at the notorious prison, former interrogator Torin Nelson opens up about why it happened and how it has wrecked his career.
    By Jason Vest


  • Waiting for Alliant
    After much delay, GSA vows to roll out its governmentwide contract for technology purchases next year. By David Perera
  • Muzzled or Misunderstood?
    A public relations scandal rocks the space agency. By Beth Dickey
  • Uncle Sam Blogs You
    The Army Reserve provides content to attract and keep soldiers. By Jason Vest
  • Past Trumps Present
    Politics keeps Cold War weapons alive, sucking resources from the battles at hand. By Jason Vest
  • Avian Enemy
    Bird flu raises special concerns for deployed troops. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Hawk or Dove
    Attorney General Alberto Gonzales balances tough action with an amiable management style. By Brian Friel
  • Tax Collectors for Hire
    Some say only IRS employees should be able to pursue overdue debtors. By Kimberly Palmer
  • Off the Air
    The Voice of America will cease broadcasting its flagship English radio program by year's end. By Katherine McIntire Peters


  • Tech Insider

    Polling Chads And Fads
    Electronic voting machines might not be the best solution. By David Perera
  • Management Matters

    Parting Wisdom
    Pentagon change agent's legacy sets Defense leaders on a new course. By Brian Friel
  • Political World

    The Next Congress
    Retirements, election losses and a host of new committee chiefs will dramatically alter Capitol Hill. By Charles Mahtesian
  • Viewpoint

    Crisis of Contracting
    Procurement missteps after Katrina signal government's failure to work as a system of systems. By William G.T. Tuttle, Susan Livingstone and Robert Welch
  • Viewpoint

    In Harm's Way
    Government must act now to thwart the toll of the next disaster. By Ronald J. Daniels, Donald F. Kettl and Howard Kunreuther


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NEXT STORY: Government Executive Vol. 38 No.4