Government Executive : Vol. 39 No. 2 (2/1/07)

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  • Union Rally
    Ron Ault formed the coalition powering organized labor's unexpected resurgence.
    By Karen Rutzick
  • Wrench In The Works
    Blunders and missteps at the General Services Administration go far beyond the administrator's office.
    By David Perera
  • Women's Work
    A Labor Department bureau struggles for relevance and survival.
    By Kimberly Palmer


  • The Battle for Baghdad
    History suggests we are surging the wrong troops, holding the wrong ground, following the wrong strategy and fighting the wrong way in Iraq. By Greg Grant
  • Part-Time Soldiers Head Back to Iraq
    There really is no more Army Reserve. It's the Army. By Greg Grant
  • Hidden Wounds
    Iraq war veterans are sustaining brain injuries at an alarming rate. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Geographic Cure
    The emergency medical system returns home, hopefully to better health. By Zack Phillips
  • She'll Be Watching
    Freshman Sen. Claire McCaskill wants to focus on government oversight. By Karen Rutzick
  • Auditing the Auditors
    The agency charged with collecting oil and gas royalties from drilling on federal land faces increased scrutiny. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Landing a Better Deal
    The air traffic controllers union is hoping the Democratic Congress will help overturn an unpopular contract. By Alyssa Rosenberg


  • Managing Technology

    Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom
    But until a rose is a rose in every database, government agencies won't be able to share pruning tips-or much else. By David Perera
  • Management Matters

    Business Without Borders
    To compete, agencies must collaborate all over the map. By Brian Friel
  • Intelligence File

    Guarding Turf
    As Defense secretary, will Robert Gates put the CIA back on track? By Shane Harris
  • Political World

    Transfer of Power
    Outsider states become insiders in the 110th Congress. By Charles Mahtesian


  • Editor's Notebook
    Oversight, insight and foresight-that's what we need in our new divided government.
  • Letters
  • The Buzz
    FEMA flooded, money spent, predicting procurement and Virginia's new bent.
  • Outlook
    While an advocacy group pushes agencies to hire executives from the outside, the Bush administration goes in the opposite direction. By Tom Shoop

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