Government Executive : Vol. 41 No. 5 (5/1/09)

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  • Foreign & Domestic
    A State Department couple and the debate over federal benefits for same-sex partners of employees.
    By Alyssa Rosenberg
  • Off Course
    The Navy's shipbuilding plans are hitting the shoals of fiscal reality.
    By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Infomania
    As participatory government brings an onslaught of public comments online, agencies will need the right tools to make sense of it all.
    By Carolyn Duffy Marsan


  • Clean Sweep
    Following years of scandals, the Office of Special Counsel is rebuilding and anxiously awaiting new leadership. By Elizabeth Newell
  • Last Line of Defense
    President Obama's legacy could depend on watchdogs' success.By Robert Brodsky


  • Managing Technology

    Open to Change
    Shifting from proprietary software gives agencies latitude to customize IT systems. By Gautham Nagesh
  • Management Matters

    Key Standards
    The barriers to reliable information sharing are numerous. By Brian Friel
  • Intelligence File

    Blair's First Moves
    The new spy chief is not afraid of a head wind. By Shane Harris


  • Editor's Notebook
    Congress and the White House are looking at gay rights issues in a whole new light. By Tom Shoop
  • Briefing
    Duty and dignity; feds across America; more than one way to save a tree.
  • Perspectives
    High profits fuel criminal and terrorist groups that threaten American security. By Timothy B. Clark

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