Government Executive : Vol. 41 No. 13 (11/1/09)

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  • Competing Objectives
    The White House's ambitious agenda is running head on into its desire to cut contracting. Something has to give.
    By Robert Brodsky
  • Recovery Mode
    Recovery Board Chairman Earl Devaney and his team had to find an accurate and public way to account for stimulus spending-and quickly.
    By Aliya Sternstein
  • Warming Trend
    Carol Waller Pope ushers in a new era in federal labor relations.
    By Alyssa Rosenberg


  • Power Hour
    President Obama's energy plans depend on tapping the country's sun-drenched, windswept public lands. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Fueling Fundraising
    The CFC seeks to motivate young workers to contribute time and money to charitable causes. By Emily Long
  • Sounding the Alarm
    Advocates seek better protections for State Department contractors who report violations in contingency zones.By Elizabeth Newell


  • Managing Technology

    Agencies lag at telework, but could H1N1 be the catalyst for change? By Carolyn Duffy Marsan
  • Management Matters

    The Best and The Brightest
    Should top leaders seek innovation from the front lines? By Brian Friel
  • Intelligence File

    Lost Generation
    Young CIA employees learn a lesson about scandal.By Shane Harris
  • Viewpoint

    The Right Path
    The military serves as a model for developing senior executive leadership. By Max Stier
  • Viewpoint

    Blueprint for Disaster
    When Washington designs policies that can't work, the results are grim. By William D. Eggers and John O'Leary


  • Editor's Notebook
    The government's chief performance officer bets on substance over style. By Tom Shoop
  • Briefing
    Green scene, double duty, viral video and seeing stars.
  • Perspectives
    Are federal executives as good as a new survey suggests? By Timothy B. Clark

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NEXT STORY: Restoring Hope