Government Executive : Vol. 42 No. 5 (5/1/10)

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  • The Need for Speed
    As agencies rush to adopt the latest technology tools, they're leaving the traditional approach to information security behind.
    By Carolyn Duffy Marsan
  • Disapproving the Message
    Watchdog groups and lawmakers want to stop election advertising by federal contractors before it starts.
    By Robert Brodsky


  • The Innovators
    CNSA nets hundreds of qualified job candidates with Lori Weltmann's idea to host a virtual career fair. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Small Steps
    After 10 years of delays, there is new hope for the women's procurement program. By Elizabeth Newell


  • Managing Technology

    Defining Dashboards
    Agencies are boosting transparency online, but making data meaningful is the real trick. By Aliya Sternstein
  • Management Matters

    Transparency Trap
    Opening the book on government operations could cause major headaches for federal managers. By Brian Friel
  • Intelligence File

    Listening In
    Surveillance laws should focus on how agencies use information, not how they collect it. By Shane Harris


  • Editor's Notebook
    Uncovering and honoring boldness in government. By Tom Shoop
  • Briefing
    The golden ticket, the little engine that could, fight club and summer stock.
  • Perspectives
    Sampling senior executives' state of mind. By Timothy B. Clarke

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