Government Executive : Vol. 42 No. 6 (6/1/10)

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  • The Enforcer
    John Morton and his agency have a lot to prove if comprehensive immigration reform is to become reality.
    By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Zoned Out
    Acquisition officials walk a fine like after a court rules low-income areas trump veteran or minority status in competition for small business contracting dollars.
    By Elizabeth Newell


  • A Different Future
    The Army focuses on discrete, networked combat systems. By Brittany Ballenstedt
  • Bold Thinkers
    Nextgov Awards honor eight managers who have conquered bureaucratic resistance to push through innovative ideas. Profiles by Dawn Lim
  • Give and Take
    Agencies see the potential for savings with cloud computing, but jobs could be on the line. By Emily Long


  • Managing Technology

    Drilling Down
    Agencies use analytics software to comb filings for errors and fraud before payments go out. By Carolyn Duffy Marsan
  • Management Matters

    Political Hot Potato
    Career civil servants can't be expected to make all the hard decisions. By Brian Friel
  • Viewpoint

    The Path to Partnership 2.0
    Agency and union officials should draw on lessons from the Clinton years. By Hinda Sterling and Herb Selesnick
  • Viewpoint

    A Hiring Offense
    Requiring incoming contractors to retain incumbent workers could compromise service. By Stan Soloway

    • Editor's Notebook
      The Defense secretary declares a budget emergency. By Tom Shoop
    • Briefing
      Resume tips, unhappy campers, iron woman wins again and charting a course.
    • Perspectives
      Feds, lobbyists and Wall Street all are in the salary spotlight. By Timothy B. Clark

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