
Walter Cronkite Predicts Telework Way Back in 1967

“With equipment like this in the home of the future, we may not have to go to work.”

During a 1967 broadcast of the CBS show, “The 21 st Century,” the most trusted man in America reveals he was all about telework before it was cool (or possible).

“With equipment like this in the home of the future, we may not have to go to work,” said Cronkite, showing off what a home office in 2001 might look like. “The work would come to us. In the 21 st Century it may be that no home will be complete without a computerized communications console.”

Pretty spot on, actually. Clearly, Walter Cronkite was a Time Lord. Though, after looking at that “communications console,” is it just me or is the future way cooler than anyone predicted?