
Why I Quit Email—and You Should, too

Easing up on email usage could save you hours every day.

At our Radboud University Medical Center (RUMC), we send out some 750,000 e-mails, every month. Monthly we send these from our approximately 18,000 email addresses. Conversely, on a monthly average of 1.2 million e-mails are being send to ús. (Numbers cleared for spam and based on 2013.)

If every mail from/to consisted of one sheet of paper, that would be seven pallets of 200 packages of printing paper every month—and that’s even only assuming emails without attachments.

Imagine that every incoming email read by ‘someone’ took 60 seconds: That would quickly add up to as much as 12-1/2 hours per month. Every month that’s about 8 FTEs, in other words 96 people per year, mind you: one minute a mail for one person! Imagine if we could add that time to spend more with patients and their family.

Read more at Quartz

(Image via Lichtmeister/