Uninsured Rate Drops Below 10 Percent in 2015

More data emerges on Obamacare’s health coverage expansion.

The per­cent­age of un­in­sured Amer­ic­ans fell be­low 10 per­cent in the first quarter of 2015, ac­cord­ing to new fig­ures from the Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion, yet an­oth­er data point on how many people have gained health cov­er­age un­der the Af­ford­able Care Act.

Dat­ing back to 1997, the un­in­sured rate had been hov­er­ing between 14 and 16 per­cent an­nu­ally be­fore Obama­care’s cov­er­age ex­pan­sion took ef­fect in 2014. The per­cent­age of un­in­sured Amer­ic­ans un­der age 65 fell from 14.4 per­cent in 2013 to 11.2 per­cent in 2014, and now 9.2 per­cent through March 2015, ac­cord­ing to the CDC data.

Us­ing the 2014 pop­u­la­tion es­tim­ate for the United States, that is the equi­val­ent of nearly 16.6 mil­lion people gain­ing health in­sur­ance from 2013 to March 2015. That roughly aligns with oth­er es­tim­ates of how many people have been covered by the health care law.

Sig­ni­fic­ant dis­par­ity in cov­er­age re­mains across eth­ni­cit­ies: 19.6 per­cent of His­pan­ics were un­in­sured in the first quarter of 2015, 10.6 per­cent of blacks and 6.3 per­cent of whites. Sign­ing up His­pan­ics through Obama­care’s in­sur­ance mar­ket­places and Medi­caid ex­pan­sion has been a re­cur­ring prob­lem for the Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion and states in the first two years of en­roll­ment.

Oth­er in­dic­at­ors tracked with more Amer­ic­ans be­ing covered by in­sur­ance. Just 4.4 per­cent of Amer­ic­ans said they had to fore­go med­ic­al care be­cause of its cost in the first quarter of 2015, down from a height of 6.9 in 2009 and 2010 in the midst of the eco­nom­ic down­turn.

( Image via JPC-PROD / )

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