
This Quick Morning Task Sparks Leadership Vibes

A quick reflection in the morning can leave you feeling like a leader at work, say researchers. Here are the prompts they suggest.


EPA Begins Rolling Back Trump-era Union Policies

The Environmental Protection Agency and the American Federation of Government Employees will revert in part to their previous 2007 contract, and the parties will begin negotiations on an entirely new contract later this year.


What Feds Should Know About Waivers, Non-Disclosure and Non-Disparagement Agreements

Most federal agencies have standard terms for resolving claims of discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, MSPB appeals, or other administrative claims.


Having an Old-fashioned Nervous Breakdown Might Be a Good Thing

Carrying on until you are depleted or you collapse is not the way to go.


USPS Has Nearly Exhausted the $10B Congress Awarded It for COVID-19 Relief

The Postal Service's financial outlook has improved significantly, though its leadership is far from celebrating.


The Situation at the U.S.-Mexico Border Is a Crisis – but Is It New?

Children and families have been fleeing to the U.S. in rising numbers for nearly a decade. So why is the current situation at the US-Mexico border being viewed as something new?


Smithsonian Employee Union Raises Concerns About Safety During Reopenings

The Smithsonian doesn’t have a date yet for when its locations will open to the public, but officials said they’ll have procedures in place to protect staff as well as visitors.


White House Blames Transition in Part for Delay in Releasing Budget Preview

Not having a confirmed budget office leader was another factor, said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.


Collaboration Between OPM and OMB: Is It Even Possible?

Could government's HR office really “work in concert” with the White House budget office, as a new report recommends, in light of OMB’s clear attempt to eliminate the independent personnel agency?


GovExec Daily: How to Budget for the Next Pandemic

Former OMB official Doug Criscitello joins the podcast to discuss how government can prepare for catastrophe.


Documents Show Trump Officials Skirted Rules to Reward Politically Connected and Untested Firms With Huge Pandemic Contracts

House Democrats investigating the COVID-19 response say Trump adviser Peter Navarro pressured agencies to award deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


USAID Partners with Nonprofit to Increase Diversity in Talent Pipeline

The initiative, through the Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, is one of several actions the U.S. Agency for International Development has taken to improve diversity and inclusion.


Biden Wants Corporations to Pay for His $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

The corporate tax was created on the principle that people and companies should be taxed based on what they receive in benefits – and US corporations have received an awful lot.


Electric Cars, Smart Refrigerators Pose Cyber Risk To US Utilities, GAO Finds

The risks aren’t well understood by researchers, in part because of local and state control of electrical utilities.


Former Top Trump Official Recounts Early Days of the Pandemic

Joe Grogan was Domestic Policy Council director and a White House COVID task force member.