
Dr. Rachel Levine Makes Transgender History in Confirmation as Assistant Secretary of HHS

Levine is the first ever Senate-confirmed trans official in U.S. history, but she faced anti-trans sentiments on her road to the historic confirmation.


Biden Names Acting FLRA General Counsel, Ending Critical Trump Era Vacancy

The agency responsible for administering federal labor law has been without a top lawyer for four years, significantly hamstringing its ability to hear labor-management disputes.


Biden Administration Issues New Guidance Instructing Agencies to Start Tracking Goals Again

White House reversed last-minute Trump policy to end the practice of developing and monitoring agency objectives.


Birx Joins Air-Cleaning Industry Amid Land Grab for Billions in Federal COVID Relief

Air-cleaning companies with limited oversight are targeting a growing market of schools desperate for COVID-19 protection. Donald Trump’s former adviser lands with one that built its business, in part, on ozone-emitting technology.


TSP Officials Tout Sizeable Improvement in Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey Scores

Employee engagement at the Thrift Savings Plan improved 7 points in 2020, while the agency scored stellar marks on its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


How New Agency Leaders Can Get Off to a Successful Start

Whether you’re a new appointee or a career executive starting a new assignment, take some advice from your predecessors.


Biden Administration is Still Working on Plan for Border Wall Contracts

A government watchdog is reviewing if the pause in construction violated a budget law.


Agencies Face Significant Challenges in Distributing Unprecedented Sums of COVID-19 Relief

Some agencies are already running into hurdles, while others hope recent experience will ease the process.


Deadline is Approaching to Repeal Trump Rules Using ‘Obscure’ Law 

Lawmakers can use the Congressional Review Act to eliminate certain Trump-era regulations.


3 Ways Employers Could Help Fight Vaccine Skepticism

Surveys suggest people trust companies more than government and the media, showing they have an important role in helping end the pandemic.


Employee ‘Resistance’ Wasn’t Just a Trump Phenomenon

Embracing change during government transitions is hard for many employees. But there are ways leaders can help.


NIH is Documenting COVID-19 as Well as Responding to It 

"It’s weird to be documenting something that you’re living through," said an archivist.


The Business Case for Investing in Human Capital Management

The payoff will be improved agency performance—and the gains could be significant.


4 Reasons No President Should Want to Give a Press Conference

While democracy requires accountability from presidents, presidents may lose stature, not gain it, by holding a press conference.


Less Than Half of Federal Bureau of Prisons Staff Have Accepted COVID Vaccines From the Agency

Director encourages employees to get vaccinated, tells lawmakers 49% have been inoculated by the bureau so far. 


Democrats Push to Grant VA Medical Professionals Full Union Rights

Federal law currently prevents Veterans Affairs Department medical workers from bargaining over matters related to patient care and clinical competence, although much is at the discretion of the VA secretary.


Dozens of Lawmakers Call on Biden to Replace Entire USPS Board

Biden has nominated individuals to fill three vacancies, but House members say board must start from scratch.