
OPM Issues Guidance Revoking Diversity Training Ban

The action formally rescinds a directive barring agencies and contractors from conducting certain types of training.


USPS Is Already Facing Legal Action Over DeJoy's Forthcoming Mail Slowdowns

Lawsuit stems from the Postal Service's performance during the election, which generally won good reviews in a new IG report released Tuesday.


House Democrats Join Chorus Calling for Changes at Social Security

The job security of the Trump-appointed administrator and deputy administrator of the Social Security Administration remains in doubt, as the Biden administration continues to oust holdover appointees elsewhere in the government.


A Counterintuitive Way to Cheer Up When You’re Down

When you most need to get happier, try giving happiness away.


After Confirmation: The Golden Hour for Political Appointees

What senior leaders should expect and how they can make the most of the opportunity they’ve been given.


NIH Director on the Coronavirus Response: ‘We're Not Done Yet Here in March of 2021’

Government Executive interviewed Dr. Francis Collins about vaccines, long-term COVID, structural racism in research, workforce morale and more.


OPM Instructs Agencies to Reopen Trump-era Union Contracts

Departments currently engaged in collective bargaining negotiations are expected to rescind proposals restricting unions’ access to official time, grievance proceedings and to begin bargaining “in good faith.”


Support for Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package May not Be as Broad as It Seems – It’s All a Matter of Perspective

It's awfully hard to wrap your mind around a sum that large. But converting it to a more bite-size representation can affect a voter's willingness to support government spending.


OMB Nominees Pledge to Avoid Future Shutdowns, Improve Budget Stewardship

Biden’s picks for deputy director and deputy director for management told lawmakers they are committed to transparency and improving fiscal oversight.


Federal Housing Finance Agency Improves Its Employee Satisfaction Scores

It’s “important for all federal employees to be regularly reminded about the bigger impact they have,” said Director Mark Calabria. 


We Already Have the Tool We Need to Get the Most Out of Federal Contractors

It’s called CPARS, and we’re just not using it the way we should.


Neera Tanden Withdraws Nomination for OMB Director

This comes after senators raised concerns about her partisan history and mean tweets.


OMB No. 2 Nominee Pledges to Restore Morale in the Federal Workforce 

"Often in these budget deals that come up, one of the main losers are federal workers," said Shalanda Young. 


4 Causes of ‘Zoom Fatigue’ and What You Can Do about It

Video chat platforms have design flaws that exhaust the human mind and body, leading to "Zoom fatigue." But there are easy ways to mitigate the effects.


Senior Biden Official Vows to Repair ‘Damage’ to Federal Workforce

The White House will unveil reforms in the forthcoming president's management agenda, OMB's director of performance management said on Monday.