
Federal Agencies Have Distributed 200K Coronavirus Vaccine Doses So Far

Four agencies have provided the shots from their own distributions, but this only represents a fraction of the doses the agencies received.


Bipartisan Law Enacted to Improve FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Contracts

The law is based on recommendations from a 2018 Government Accountability Office report. 


Correcting Corrections: Lessons for Prisons and Jails in a Post-COVID World

Not only are incarcerated people getting infected and dying at unprecedented rates, but so are the people who work in these facilities.


For Pentagon, Biden Picks Two Obama-era Policy Veterans to Help Austin

After passing on Flournoy, Biden taps Kathleen Hicks and Colin Kahl to be Austin's deputy defense secretary and undersecretary for policy.


6 Lessons From 2020 Federal Leaders Should Apply in the Months to Come

As the embers of the dumpster fire that was 2020 burn away, important lessons provide light for the way forward in 2021.


Biden Is on Track to Have a Record Number of Women in His Cabinet

Joe Biden has committed to having the most diverse Cabinet in history. It’s likely future presidents will be expected to match or increase representation.


Where Year Two of the Pandemic Will Take Us

As vaccines roll out, the U.S. will face a choice about what to learn and what to forget.


Bringing Transparency to Administrative Law Judge Dockets

The deputy secretary of Labor explains how the department is using data to improve operations and allocate resources.


America Needs a Strategic Plan

A divided, directionless nation yearns for its next moonshot.


Federal Government Crackdown to Cause Major Disruptions for International Shipping in 2021

Few countries are in compliance with an opioids-related mandate set to take effect Jan. 1 as lawmakers criticize Trump administration for "falling down on the job."


The World That COVID Made: What Should American Foreign Policy Do?

The pandemic reminds us that "American leadership" is not a trite euphemism. It is arguably the single most important factor in whether the arc of history bends toward something better or something worse.


Rebuilding Government as a Purpose-Driven Organization

An agency’s purpose should be the foundation for workforce management.


Biden Administration Likely To Increase Contracting Opportunities for Small and Minority-Owned Businesses 

The campaign outlined a $400 billion plan “to support small businesses and tackle inequities in the federal contracting system.” 


Biden Blasts OMB and Defense Officials for Obstructing Transition

“It’s nothing short of irresponsible,” the president-elect said on Monday.


Donald Trump Pardons Former Border Patrol Agent Gary Brugman, Who Was Convicted of Violating a Man’s Civil Rights

Brugman’s case drew national attention among conservative figures who hailed him for working to secure the U.S. border.


Federal Workforce Attrition Under the Trump Administration

Unusually high attrition among senior civil servants undermines the effectiveness of the federal workforce, a new analysis shows.


Report: Pandemic Likely to Dominate Federal Contracting in Fiscal 2021

Bloomberg Government predicted spending to be high on vaccines, telework and digital services.