
Global Media Agency Head Replaces Acting Voice of America Director 

This is the latest in a series of controversial moves by Michael Pack during his six months in office.


VA Flags Potential Staffing, Resource Hurdles in Vaccine Distribution

The department will start with a small distribution of doses, but expects a series of hurdles in inoculating its entire workforce and network.


Study of Healthcare Workers Shows COVID-19 Immunity Lasts Many Months

In the rare instances in which someone with acquired immunity for SARS-CoV-2 subsequently tested positive for the virus, they never showed any signs of being ill.


Advocacy Group Urges Biden to ‘Clean House’ at Social Security, Lessen Impact of Payroll Tax Deferral

Under a proposal floated by the organization Social Security Works, federal employees would have twice as long next year to pay back the payroll taxes they were forced to defer by the Trump administration.


Lead Like Leo: Lessons From ‘The West Wing’

Those taking the reins in Washington could benefit from binge-watching the classic political drama.


Biden’s Special Counsel Problem

Attorney General William Barr directed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate the FBI’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. What it means and how we got here.


Biden’s Pick for CDC Director Hailed for Gender Equity Commitment

Rochelle Walensky, who heads the infectious disease unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, will shape how the government distributes coronavirus vaccines.


Dozens of Ex-OMB Officials Condemn Effort to Politicize Most of Agency’s Career Workforce

Former high-ranking career staffers and political appointees sign joint statement urging rejection of proposal to reclassify almost 90 percent of OMB employees.


Racism at the County Level Associated with Increased COVID-19 Cases and Deaths

Blacks are at greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than whites. A study that examined racism at the country level had surprising results.


GovExec Daily: What Federal Execs Can Expect During the Transition

National Academy of Public Administration Fellow Sallyanne Harper joins the podcast to discuss what her life was as a senior official during a transition… and what others can expect during this transition.


Trump Administration Finalizes Rule to Protect Religion-Based Federal Contractors

It has “a grotesquely overbroad exemption” that could allow for discrimination, said one critic. 


Transition Roundup: Biden Announces Health Team; Transition Challenges at the Pentagon 

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


Compromise Defense Policy Bill Includes Paid Parental Leave Fix, Allows Feds to Carry Over More Annual Leave

The latest version of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act does not include House-passed measures blocking the Defense secretary from exempting Pentagon employees from collective bargaining.


Biden Will Issue Mask Mandate for Federal Buildings

The president-elect will also encourage universal mask wearing for his first 100 days.


Senators Raise Concerns Over Burrowing In, Other 'Midnight' Activities at VA

Rushed policies and hiring decisions "should be left to the incoming administration," lawmakers say.


Viewpoint: Move to Politicize the Career Civil Service is an Insider Threat to the Country

Two former-high-ranking intelligence community officials issue a stark warning about President Trump’s order creating a new category of federal employees.


Transition Roundup: Biden Asks Fauci to Stay; USAID Watchdog Probes Possible Records Violation

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


While Biden’s Cabinet Is Important, Watch the Sub-Cabinet

The skills and background needed for managerial positions are significantly different than those for policy positions.