
Viewpoint: Whistleblowers are Democracy’s Last Defense

When brave individuals speak up against wrongdoing, they can mitigate the damage and prevent further harm.


Dozens of Senators Introduce Bill Blocking Trump’s Order to Politicize the Civil Service

Legislation from a group of 40 Democrats would rescind President Trump’s executive order creating a new Schedule F classification of federal employees without civil service protections.


Regulatory Affairs Veteran Shares Insights on Trump’s Cutbacks and What Lies Ahead for Biden

"Judge the person relative to what you want them to do," said Jim Tozzi, on selecting a new Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs administrator. 


Major Federal Employee Union Urges Biden to Restore Collaborative Labor Relations

NTEU publishes recommendations for the presidential transition, encouraging an end to President Trump’s antagonism of unions.


Federal Panel Strips VA Worker Rights in Latest Pro-Management Decision

Although the Federal Service Impasses Panel scolded VA for its overbroad reliance on management rights to eviscerate its contract with a labor union, the panel still ruled mostly in the department’s favor.


How Biden's Team Seeks to Mitigate the Impact of a Delayed Transition

As the Trump administration refuses to initiate statutorily required steps, Biden will tap into vast government experience.


Lawmakers Urge Justice Department to Suspend Executions During Transition 

President-elect Biden seeks to get rid of the death penalty, but the Trump administration has not formally recognized him as the winner. 


President-Elect Biden's New COVID-19 Task Force Gives the U.S. a Fresh Chance to Turn around a Public Health Disaster

Biden will begin his presidency in the midst of a global public health crisis that's already killed over 240,000 people in the US alone. His team is already planning how to get COVID-19 under control.


GovExec Daily: The Stalled Presidential Transition

The Center for Presidential Transition's David Marchick joins the podcast to discuss what the Biden team is missing without ascertainment.


Former GSA Administrator Reflects on Ascertaining the Election in 2016

“If there’s anything that I would point to, it is really how important this activity and moment is,” said Denise Turner Roth of the presidential transition.


Proposed Executive Order for Biden Would 'Reinvigorate' Federal Workforce, Make OPM a Cabinet-Level Agency

The National Academy of Public Administration has drafted a directive that would reverse Trump's workforce edicts and elevate the federal government's personnel agency.


Postmaster General Previews New Reforms as USPS Announces $9B Loss for 2020

As previously promised, DeJoy signals significant changes are coming for the Postal Service.


Viewpoint: Stop The Obstruction and Authorize the Transition

As precious days are lost, experts agree that nothing prohibits the GSA administrator from ascertaining the apparent election winner.


Most States Aren’t Ready to Distribute the Leading COVID-19 Vaccine

A review of state distribution plans reveals that officials don’t know how they’ll deal with the difficult storage and transport requirements of Pfizer’s vaccine, especially in the rural areas currently seeing a spike in infections.


GovExec Daily: Ballot Measures and Drug Policy

Route Fifty's Emma Coleman joins the podcast to discuss how voters treated legalization and decriminalization efforts on Election Day.


Over 170 Groups Call for Biden Administration to Take Up Ethics Reforms Immediately 

President-elect Biden addressed many of their concerns in his campaign platform and transition plan. 


To Improve Equity, Improve Government Capacity

Agencies fail their moral and civic duty when they don't collect and disclose vital information that could direct resources where needed.


Biden’s Transition Team Brings in Diverse Coalition of Experts, at Least Half of Whom Are Women

The members of Biden’s agency review teams represent communities “historically underrepresented in federal government.”