
Viewpoint: Rush to Fill Supreme Court Vacancy Is an Attack on Democracy

President Trump’s pattern of selecting ethically dubious individuals to government posts should give Americans pause.


OPM Updates Job Qualifications Following Hiring Executive Order

The Office of Personnel Management is asking agencies for feedback on a draft list of the qualifications required for federal jobs as part of the implementation of a recent executive order emphasizing applicants’ skills and experience, rather simply education.


We Must Address the Crisis in the Merit System

The historic system for hiring and promoting federal employees is failing the nation, and the consequences are profound.


Biden’s Campaign Must Address the Need for ‘Nuts-and-Bolts’ Repairs Across the Federal Bureaucracy, Professor Argues 

An upcoming series will lay the framework for a first-term agenda to fix structural government issues should the Democratic presidential nominee win in November.  


Trump’s Vaccine Czar Refuses to Give Up Stock in Drug Company Involved in His Government Role

The administration calls Moncef Slaoui, who leads its vaccine race, a “contractor” to sidestep rules against personally profiting from government positions. Slaoui owns $10 million in stock of a company working with his team to develop a vaccine.


Court Orders Census to Continue Counting People Past Trump Administration's Sept. 30 Deadline

The bureau will have through Oct. 31 to finish its enumeration under the injunction, though an appeal is expected.


The Civil Service System Has Failed — Again

A new white paper reinforces the notion that the way forward is to work around the current system.


Unions Dispute Government’s Latest Effort to Dismiss Impasse Panel Challenges

The Trump administration on Tuesday cited a federal appellate court decision affirming that claims against the president’s workforce executive orders must go through an administrative process to support dismissing lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of Federal Service Impasses Panel appointments, but unions say the cases are unrelated.


Fixing America’s Failing Fiscal Health

The United States will soon be deeper in debt than at any point in its history, including World War II and its aftermath.


The Justice Dept Must Clarify Who it Serves: The People or the President

Research shows the abuse of power is more common in countries where the president and the attorney general are political allies.


Following Court Order, USPS Instructs Employees to Restore Extra Mail Trips and Some Processing Machines

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy had resisted such changes before a federal judge issued nationwide injunction.


Arbitrator Finds Trump Workforce Orders Violate Law

An independent arbitrator ruled that the president cannot reduce the scope of bargaining between an agency and a labor group “by fiat.”


White House Expands Crackdown on Certain Diversity and Inclusion Training

President Trump signed an executive order that covers federal agencies, contractors, grantees and the military. 


State Department Officials Vow Cultural Shift Toward Inclusion

Officials tasked with improving diversity told a House panel that they hope recent efforts to deploy unconscious bias training and conduct surveys of those leaving the department will help improve efforts to retain employees of color, women and members of the LGBTQ community.


Contractors Seek Clearer, Uniform Guidance for Returning to Offices

Lack of such guidance is a “huge hole” in the federal government’s pandemic response, industry group says. 


Court Losses Mount for USPS as Agency Management, DeJoy Weigh Options

A second judge on Monday ordered the Postal Service to walk back controversial reforms.