
How to Protect Remote Workers’ Productivity and Performance

Even as restrictions ease, working from home will continue for many. Experts offer tips for bridging the distance.


When Feeling American Requires Leaving America

For some Black U.S. diplomats, the moment they feel most American is when they are abroad.


Senate Democrats Urge Vote on Bill that Would Federalize the Medical Supply Chain, Bolster Transparency

"There is no way for this country to have enough personal protective equipment...without the federal government stepping up," said one senator. 


USPS Tests More Mail Delivery Changes as Lawmakers Push Back

Critics of reforms under the new postmaster general say he is no longer treating the agency as a public service.


Trump Administration Redacts Meeting Minutes on the Presidential Transition

“If there’s anything that needs to be redacted that’s a sign that there’s something that shouldn’t be going on,” said New York University’s Paul Light.


Federal Employee Unions Endorse Biden for President

The news comes as no surprise following the Trump administration’s concerted efforts to diminish the role of labor groups at federal agencies and cut benefits and protections for frontline federal workers.


History Does Repeat Itself: Lessons from the Polio Vaccine

Creating a safe vaccine is one thing; distributing it fairly and effectively is an altogether different challenge.


DHS’ Portland Stunt Could Undermine the Agency For Years, Former Officials Warn

"This is well outside the bounds of what the intent is of the federal protective services' mission," one says.


Senate Confirms Acting OMB Chief to Be Permanent Director

Russell Vought has said he will "be as responsive as we possibly can" to Congress and prioritize requests from overseers related to the novel coronavirus pandemic.


Trump Nominates Conspiracy Theorist to Lead OPM

John Gibbs, who currently serves at the Housing and Urban Development Department, in 2016 falsely accused Clinton campaign officials of secretly taking part in satanic rituals.


Leading the Intelligence Community After 2020’s Upheavals

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe should consider new approaches to four vital functions that support the IC’s core missions.


Thousands of Small Business Owners Have Not Gotten Disaster Loans the Government Promised Them

A top official said 99% of funds were paid, but only 55% of small business owners reported receiving the money. Borrowers were told there was a technical glitch, but the Small Business Administration would not answer questions about it.


Federal Immigration Officials Announce Plans for Resuming 'Remain in Mexico' Hearings during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Texas must continue to reopen safely and the U.S. Department of State and the Centers for Disease Control must lower their global health advisories before hearings resume.


Why Congress Can’t Curb Trump’s Power to Commute Stone’s Sentence and Pardon Others

A former lawyer for the US House of Representatives explains the constitutional and historical limits barring Congress from checking the president's clemency powers.


GovExec Daily: The PPE Supply Chain

CEO of QYK Brands Rakesh Tammabattula joins the show to explain how the federal government can help out suppliers and producers of protective equipment.


Technical Interviews May Pinpoint Anxiety not Skill

"Our study suggests that a lot of well-qualified job candidates are being eliminated because they're not used to working on a whiteboard in front of an audience."


Blacks in Government President Seeks to Boost Recruiting, Mentoring and Advocacy at Federal Agencies 

"Diversity in the federal government enhances problem-solving ability by introducing new and diverse ways of thinking and is tied to mission effectiveness,"  says Doris Sartor. 


A Federal Data Failure Is Making It Hard to Talk About COVID

Without a standard, trusted language of COVID data collection, it’s been hard to measure the disease, track its trend, and build effective policy.