
Defense Department’s Mark Easton On Embracing Data to Drive Reform

The deputy chief financial officer is preparing for the department’s third-ever audit amid the pandemic.


Lawmakers, Legal Experts Decry Federal Crackdown on Protesters as Unlawful

House committee holds hearing on controversial federal law enforcement tactics prior to Trump's church photo op.


FEMA Ordered $10.2 Million in COVID-19 Testing Kits It’s Now Warning States Not to Use

The faulty lab equipment sold by a company whose owner has faced fraud allegations is being investigated by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general.


6 Ways the Next Administration Could Use Evidence-Based Policy to Advance Social Justice

Using data and research to improve program outcomes may not make for a catchy campaign slogan, but it can go a long way toward reducing economic and racial disparities.


Federal Contract Spending Reaches Its Highest Level Ever in Fiscal 2019, Marking 4 Straight Years of Growth

Spending is expected to increase even more for fiscal 2020, exceeding $600 billion even before coronavirus stimulus funding is included. 


After COVID Delay, OPM Prepares for 2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

This year’s iteration of the annual survey of federal workers’ engagement and morale will begin on July 13 and include questions about agencies’ response to the coronavirus pandemic.


White House Advisor Sought Legal Opinion to Allow Trump to Fire Anyone In Government

A recently published internal White House document from early in the Trump administration proved to be a road map for the White House’s efforts to weaken unions and cut federal employee pay and benefits.


Union, Trump Administration Trade Barbs in Impasse Panel Lawsuit Hearing

Attorneys for the Trump administration argued that the D.C. District Court lacks jurisdiction to hear constitutional challenges against how members of the panel are appointed, but a judge in a separate case ruled against the government on that issue Monday.


ICE Struggles to Protect Detained Immigrants as Coronavirus Spreads in Its Facilities

Hundreds of employees are also calling out from work as they say physical distancing is impossible and personal protective equipment is in insufficient supply.


Three Steps the Labor Department Is Taking to Make Government More Effective

The wage earners, job seekers and retirees the department serves will benefit from ongoing management reforms. 


GovExec Daily: Civilian Federal Buildings Named After Segregationists

Eric Katz joins the show to discuss the potential renaming of facilities such as the Thomas G. Abernathy Federal Building and the Strom Thurmond Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse.


Officials Detail Preparations for 'Inevitable' Coronavirus Surge This Fall

Dr. Anthony Fauci and others say their agencies are taking "financial risks" to pursue potential treatments and a vaccine, but will not compromise science.


In Zapata County, Local Government Is Fighting the Federal Government to Stop One Piece of the Border Wall

The rural border county is digging in and challenging the Department of Homeland Security in court over the government’s attempt to gain access to small tract of county-owned land.


HR Holds the Keys to Revitalizing Public Service

The pandemic and emerging budget problems make it imperative to manage government’s people assets more effectively.


Inside the Trump Administration’s Decision to Leave the World Health Organization

Despite Trump’s declared exit from the WHO, officials continued working toward reforms and to prevent withdrawal. Then, they were told they must justify any cooperation with the WHO on the grounds of national security and public health safety.


Analysis: The Voice of America Will Sound Like Trump

Under the president’s control, U.S.-funded broadcasters could turn into a presidential propaganda machine.


Building a Better Experience for Government’s Customers

The pandemic is spurring some agencies to retool the way they interact with the public.


The Trump Administration Paid Millions for Test Tubes — and Got Unusable Mini Soda Bottles

The plastic tubes supplied for coronavirus testing by Fillakit, a first-time federal contractor with a sketchy owner, don’t even fit the racks used to analyze samples. And they may be contaminated anyway.