
The VA Grand Challenge: Looking for Love in The Wrong Places

To solve a problem as complex and critical as veteran suicide, throw out the procurement playbook.


GovExec Daily: How Feds See the Coronavirus Response

Government Business Council's Daniel Thomas joins the podcast to discuss the results of the audience surveys of Defense One and Government Executive readers.


VA Union Seeks Injunction Against Impasses Panel

Among other things, the American Federation of Government Employees argues that the panel, currently composed of anti-labor activists, violates statutory requirements that it be impartial.


Veterans Benefits Administration May Be Having Its Best Year Ever

Despite having to make operational changes, the agency has exceeded performance targets set before the pandemic.


Don't Expect a Single Return-to-the-Office Day for Feds, White House Says

Recalling employees back to offices will vary across agencies and regions based on mission needs, official says.


Trump Administration Waives Environmental Safeguards to Fast-Track 69 Miles of Border Fence Construction

The White House said in February its goal was to build 450 additional miles of barrier by the end of 2020. The 69 miles would be in addition to a 52-mile project also underway in Webb County.


Trump Administration Details Efforts to Support Peaceful Presidential Transition

Watchdog group points to “significant ethics problems” among some of the White House Transition Coordinating Council members.


Temporary Land Management Employees May Soon Have Pathway to Permanent Employment

The Office of Personnel Management on Friday published proposed regulations that would allow temporary employees at six agencies to apply for permanent posts through merit promotion procedures.


A Hollow Government Can’t Handle a Pandemic

The long shadow of inadequate resources and insufficient management capacity hangs over the federal response.


GovExec Daily: Postal Leadership and Financial Issues

Michael Plunkett joins the podcast to examine the financial troubles and management changes at USPS.


Arbitrator Finds Social Security Violated Federal Labor Law in Negotiations with Administrative Law Judges

An independent arbitrator rules that SSA management engaged in bad faith bargaining by repeatedly withholding information from a union representing the judges as the parties were preparing to negotiate a new contract.


Gen Z Doesn’t Want to Work for the Government

Here are three things agencies can do to appeal more to these young, tech-savvy workers.


GovExec Daily: Racial Disparities in Coronavirus Treatment

Dr. Tina Sacks joins the show to discuss how the federal government can bridge the gaps in health care and outcomes for racial minorities during and after the pandemic.


Watchdogs Criticize Trump Administration's Deregulation Efforts During Pandemic

Meanwhile, the administration says the red tape rollback is central to boosting coronavirus testing and economic revival.


USPS Board Again Loses Its Quorum Amid Further Leadership Turmoil

Turnover in the top ranks comes as House Democrats renew push to give cash-strapped Postal Service financial relief.


Federal Officials Detail Steps Agencies Must Still Take to Help States Reopen

Dr. Anthony Fauci and others caution that reopening too soon would lead to more uncontrollable outbreaks.


Advancing Science During a Public Health Crisis: An Interview with NSF’s Top HR Officer

“This pandemic has shown everyone that the nature of work is not where you work, but really what you do,” the National Science Foundation’s Wonzie Gardner says.


Project Management and COVID-19 Recovery

Lessons from previous disasters offer a guide for government leaders.