
Administrative Law Judges' Association Joins Other Unions in Legal Fight Against Impasses Panel

Yet another lawsuit challenging the legality of how members of the Federal Service Impasses Panel are appointed comes just days after the panel imposed a largely pro-management contract on SSA administrative law judges.


How Managers Can Plan For Employees’ Successful Return to Federal Offices

Things won’t be the same. Here are 10 tips for putting empathy into action and keeping people safe.


Survey Finds Bipartisan Agreement on Civil Liberties, COVID-19

How do Americans feel about giving up some civil liberties to fight COVID-19? A survey finds that people of both parties tend to agree.


Despite Coronavirus, ‘The Machinery Continues’ at Immigration Courts

Immigration judges and employees at the Executive Office of Immigration Review said the agency’s informal policy to keep offices and courts open puts deportations over workers’ safety.


Internal Documents Show Federal Agencies Supported the WHO Before Trump Was Against It

In a battle between China and the U.S. over global leadership, American diplomats and aid officials cited U.S. funding of the World Health Organization as key and relied heavily on the agency for help. When Trump cut its funding, he upended all that.


The Army Corps of Engineers' Race to Convert Hotels and Convention Centers to Hospitals

The agency's first makeshift hospital was in New York’s Javits Center, and it is building or has built close to 30 similar projects around the country.


Impasses Panel Imposes Steep Cuts to Official Time, Other Rights for Administrative Law Judges

Union that represents administrative law judges at the Social Security Administration vowed to take “all necessary legal action” to protect members, as multiple lawsuits proceed.


Trump Administration Officials Warned Against Halting Funding to WHO, Leaked Memo Shows

A draft State Department memo says the move would “cede ground” to China and hobble the global response to the coronavirus pandemic.


How to Manage a Multi-Generational Federal Workforce

Get ready for Generation Z—managing four generations in the same organization will be tricky.


Trump Denigrates Vote By Mail, But Troops Have Been Doing It For Decades

“Fraud is extremely rare in mail voting” says one expert, noting there are a number of security features associated with such ballots.


Coronavirus Roundup: Trump Seeks to Fill Vacancies During Pandemic

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


The CDC and WHO Have Already Said Mosquitoes Don’t Spread Coronavirus. Now USDA Will Study It, Too.

An adviser for the American Mosquito Control Association says the possibility of mosquito transition of the coronavirus is “nil.”


The Pandemic Is a Clarion Call to Remove Barriers to Innovation

The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity to put in place solutions that will benefit us all, now and in the future.


Viewpoint: This Is How It Looks When You’re Not Afraid

Anthony Fauci is the rare senior government official who seems more devoted to truth than to Trump.


GovExec Daily: Remote Learning During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Route Fifty's Kate Queram joins the podcast to examine how school districts, teachers and students are adjusting to distance learning.


Congress Should Withhold Support for Agency Requests Until Trump Nominates Qualified Leaders, Groups Say

Permanent, qualified officials are necessary to stabilize the administration's 'fumbling response' to coronavirus, organizations say.


Border Wall Construction Continues During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Lawmakers and advocates call on the Trump administration to stop construction to protect public health and save taxpayer dollars.