
Administrative Law Judge Association Says Effort to Force Partial Contract Is 'Union Busting'

Officials with the group said efforts to implement part of a new union contract while elements remain under review by the Federal Service Impasses Panel are illegal.


Viewpoint: This Is What Happens When the Federal Government Abandons You

Local officials and health-care workers are losing faith in the national response, and struggling to improvise their own solutions.


Supreme Court Makes It Easier for Feds to Prove Age Discrimination

In an 8-1 decision, justices found that the “plain language” of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act has a lower burden of proof for proving differential treatment based on age in the federal government than the private sector.


GovExec Daily: How Communities Enforce Stay-at-Home Orders

Route Fifty's Andrea Noble joined the podcast to talk about quarantine scofflaws and the rules states have put in place during the pandemic.


Social Distancing Is Hard When You Live With Roommates

No one answers a Craigslist ad for housemates expecting to end up quarantined with those people.


SBA Experiences Chaotic Rollout to 'Unprecedented' Stimulus Program

Lawmakers on both sides and business owners alike criticized the Trump administration for a rocky implementation of a new paycheck protection program.


Defense Employees Report Poor Coronavirus Response at Two Facilities

Union officials said a naval base in Naples, Italy, has resisted calls to suspend nonessential services, while an OSHA complaint contends a Virginia facility failed to respond to an employee’s positive COVID-19 test.


4 Weird Things that Happen When You Videoconference

An educational technology scholar illuminates some of odd feelings people experience when they communicate through cameras on the web.


Viewpoint: Authoritarian Populists Have Six Classic Moves. Trump's Response to COVID-19 Uses 5 of Them.

While the president may not be using the coronavirus to consolidate power, Americans should still be worried about the threat he poses to democracy.


GovExec Daily: Medical Supply Shortages and the Pandemic

Route Fifty’s Emma Coleman and GovExec’s Eric Katz join the podcast to discuss the coordination between government and health officials – and where that is failing.


What Happens if Social Distancing for COVID-19 Ends Too Soon?

A new model can show how different interventions, like social distancing, will affect the spread of the novel coronavirus.


Federal Prison System Goes Into ‘Modified Lockdown’

New procedures due to coronavirus concerns will last 14 days, after which the agency will re-evaluate. 


Viewpoint: Protect Dr. Fauci

Congress should act to ensure that directors of the various parts of the National Institutes of Health—of whom Anthony Fauci is one—cannot be fired for dissenting from the president’s views.


4 Tips to Protect Your Sleep in the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to get quality sleep, researchers warn.


Federal Employee Union Sues Impasses Panel, Calls Its Appointment ‘Unlawful’

AFGE argues that the Trump administration violated the law in appointing anti-labor advocates to the Federal Service Impasses Panel, and that panel members should be subject to Senate confirmation.


Industry Groups Welcome Stimulus Provisions for Federal Contractors

Agencies may reimburse contractors for paid or sick leave if they can’t telework.


OPM Offers Tips for Agencies to Help Teleworking Feds with Caregiving

The federal government’s HR agency encouraged agencies to be flexible with employees who have children or other relatives they must care for with school and other care facilities closed.


There’s a Playbook for Implementing the CARES Act; Agencies Need to Follow It

We are going to see billions of dollars in new contract spending for both surge and ongoing requirements.


Kushner Firm Built the Coronavirus Website Trump Promised

The extent of Oscar Health’s work on coronavirus testing hasn’t been previously reported.