
FEMA has so far paid out less than 1% of what Congress allocated for victims of New Mexico wildfire

The emergency management agency has paid just $3 million in claims out of $3.96 billion Congress allocated, and the bulk of the payments went to the city of Las Vegas, N.M., rather than individual fire victims.


Small businesses’ share of federal contracting dollars reaches ‘all time high,’ SBA says

Federal agencies paid small businesses $162.9 billion for contracting work—the most ever recorded—in fiscal 2022, although the proportion of federal contract dollars going to small businesses declined to 26.5%.


Ohio congressman urges new FBI headquarters in Alabama, not suburban D.C. 

As years-long battle between Maryland and Virginia continues for the HQ, Rep. Jim Jordan suggests Huntsville as alternative.


Post-pandemic, most agency headquarters are only one-quarter full

Agency officials say they are worried telework policies will change and therefore they must retain their underutilized buildings.


Trust in the federal government is in a tailspin. Here’s how agencies can rebuild it.

COMMENTARY | Agencies must prove they are competent and support values such as transparency.


The White House promotes success stories in the government’s customer experience push

Filling out forms to recertify for disability insurance is “more frightening than cancer,” one beneficiary said. The Social Security Administration is trying to make it easier.


The federal government has more than 8,000 vacant properties. Why aren’t they being used to house the homeless?

A 2016 law says unused federal properties should be turned over to help the homeless. But a complex process and bureaucratic requirements are making that nearly impossible.


With a new shipping service, USPS says it could handle extra demand sparked by UPS strike

The Postal Service is rolling out new shipping offerings that it predicts will help it absorb new business that results from a potential work stoppage at one of its competitors.


NDAA amendment calls for DOD, DHS to assess cyber threats to border security

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas, said his proposal “sets a plan to prevent cyber incidents by reducing the risk of future cyber vulnerabilities” in key border technologies.


Federal agencies are on Threads, here’s what the records agency says about that

“Agencies should assess their business needs and evaluate risks associated with leaving these records in social media,” said NARA’s chief records officer.


FLRA will test out paperless document delivery

The agency that oversees labor-management relations in the federal government says sending documents by mail sometimes hamstrings parties’ ability to respond to filings.


Cocaine at the White House? Republicans demand answers

The White House says the matter is under investigation by the Secret Service.


Resource constraints led to EPA’s failure to address critical vulnerabilities in air and radiation data

The Environmental Protection Agency cited a lack of resources and the sheer volume of critical vulnerabilities as the reasons for its inability to patch its systems under federally required timeframes. 


Republicans look to eliminate armed law enforcement at some agencies

While only a small number of employees, conservative lawmakers say the officers infringe on Americans' rights.


The U.S. banned farmers from using a brain-harming pesticide on food. Why has it slowed a global ban?

When officials from around the world gathered in Rome last fall to consider whether to move forward with a proposed global ban on chlorpyrifos, the pesticide had a surprising defender: a senior official from the EPA.


The State Department’s first DEIA officer departs

They leave behind the department’s first-ever disaggregated data report on demographics, which will “help hold us accountable for doing the work that we say that we want to do.”


That Time acronymic management fads were all the rage

When an alphabet soup of concepts for organizational improvement swept through government. 


Democrats try again to reform the vacancies act

Democrats are trying once again to reform the parameters on acting federal officials.