
Government has a policy over people problem, civic tech leader argues

In a new book, Code for America founder Jennifer Pahlka argues that government implementers need more authority to avoid becoming risk-averse compliance agents.


New Report Identifies Over $100B in Potential Government Services Savings

The government’s overlapping, fragmented and duplicative services are costing billions of dollars annually, a Government Accountability Office report claims. 


Congress Is Still Heading Toward a Shutdown Despite the Budget Deal, Democrats Say

House Republicans are voting on spending bills that would cut funding below the frozen levels lawmakers agreed to as part of the debt ceiling negotiations.


A Bill to Hamstring Agency Rulemaking Passed the House Despite Veto Threat

The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act would require all new major regulations by federal agencies to first be approved by both the House and Senate.


To Advance Equity in Contracting, Make It Easier and Cheaper to Sell to the Public Sector

COMMENTARY | The key to making procurement more inclusive will be to systemically reduce the cost of doing business with public entities—by an order of magnitude.


Agencies Brace for a Renewed Era of Belt-Tightening

Most non-defense agencies will see their budgets frozen or cut next fiscal year.


Let's Play: How Games Can Improve Employee Learning

COMMENTARY | Gamification or game-based learning is a great tactic in training employees on the skills and processes they need to know for their current positions and to encourage them to upskill for their next jobs.


House Republicans Want NOAA to be an Independent Agency

Removing it from the Commerce Department would boost protections for scientists and eliminate "bureaucratic inefficiencies," they say.


That Time the Federal Retirement Wave Never Happened

Almost 25 years after the first dire warnings, we’re still waiting on the tsunami. 


It’s Been 6-Plus Years Without a Permanent Head of Governmentwide Financial Management

The last presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed controller at the Office of Management and Budget left in January 2017.


Lawmakers Flock to Prevent Birds From Dying in Collisions With Public Buildings

Animal protection advocates in Congress have been trying for over a decade to get the government to take steps to make federal buildings more bird-friendly.


House Passes Debt Deal That Would Freeze Agency Spending

The Senate has just a few days to act to avoid forcing federal workers to miss paychecks.