
The Federal Prisons Agency is Reviewing its Reproductive Care Options for Inmates

Prisons and jails “present unique barriers to abortion access," says the Urban Institute, a think tank.


Right-Wing Think Tank Family Research Council Is Now a Church in the Eyes of the IRS

The FRC, a staunch opponent of abortion and LGBTQ rights, joins a growing list of activist groups seeking church status, which allows organizations to shield themselves from financial scrutiny.


Virtual Meetings Stymie Creative Teamwork

Virtual meetings have made remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic possible, but for creative collaboration, it's hard to beat gathering face-to-face.


Vaccine and Testing Delays for Monkeypox Echo Failures in Early COVID Response

Public health officials say monkeypox is not as dangerous as covid and can be handled well with current treatments and if those at risk use caution. But the rollout of vaccines has been slow and led to angst among some at-risk people.


Coronavirus Roundup: OMB Director Tests Positive for COVID-19

There’s a lot to keep track of. Here’s a list of this week’s news updates and stories you may have missed.


Biden Asks Federal Agencies to Help Boost Abortion Access

New executive order convenes an interagency task force to coordinate the administration’s response to the Supreme Court’s recent decision.


Fred Gray, the ‘Chief Counsel for the Protest Movement,’ to Get Medal of Freedom for His Civil Rights Work

When Rosa Parks was arrested for sitting in the front of a bus in Montgomery, Fred Gray was her lawyer. Now he’s being honored for a lifetime of civil rights advocacy.


How Pfizer Won the Pandemic, Reaping Outsize Profit and Influence

The drugmaker has the best-selling vaccine to prevent covid and the most effective drug to treat it. Its success has overshadowed the government’s covid-fighting strategy.


This Is Where USPS Is Building Out Its First Mega-Centers This Year

The Postal Service will build out 60 new facilities as part of Louis DeJoy's 10-year plan, adding to its overall staff and improving working conditions.


Social Security Benefits Play a Key Role in Preventing Older Americans from Lacking Enough Quality Food

Higher Social Security benefits can significantly reduce the odds of an older person’s being food insecure.


A Deep Dive Into the Widening Mortality Gap Across the Political Aisle

New research examines how an area’s political environment can affect its mortality rate.


Jan. 6 Hearings Highlight Problems with Certification of Presidential Elections and Potential Ways to Fix Them

The attempt by Donald Trump’s supporters to reverse the 2020 presidential election results shows the need to update the nation’s landmark law for counting presidential votes.


Americans May Forgive Lies from Their Party’s Politicians

Americans are more forgiving of lies when they come from politicians in their own party, research finds.


Supreme Court’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Ruling Puts Immigration Policy in the Hands of Voters – as Long as Elected Presidents Follow the Rules

In the last decision of the term, the Supreme Court cleared a barrier for the Biden administration to end a Trump-era policy returning asylum seekers arriving in the U.S. to camps in Mexico.


Being Left Out of Meetings or Yelled at Isn’t Always Enough to Claim Whistleblower Protections

Still, MSPB says it will broadly interpret civil service laws to cumulatively examine management’s actions.


GovExec Daily: Government Has a Recent History of Big Successes

Tom Shoop joins the podcast to discuss his post about the ways that government has greatly improved the lives of Americans.


The Supreme Court Deals a Major Blow to the EPA, and All Agencies

The court's conservative majority limits agencies' capacity to write new rules on major issues.


USPS: It's Up to Mailers to Comply With State Laws on Abortion Pills

The Postal Service says it will not crack down on the mailings, while the Biden administration promises to use the mail to expand access to the pills.