
J&J-Vaxxed, mRNA-Boosted, and Pondering a Third Shot

Many of the nearly 17 million U.S. members of J&J Nation, myself included, are wondering whether to set aside the current official guidance and get a second booster. Some experts say: Chill out.


The Senate Passes a Measure Aimed at Undoing the Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers

The Supreme Court allowed it to stand last month, but lawmakers say the measure punishes the health care workforce.


Managing Effectively From Afar: Lessons From Anthropologists During the Pandemic

Federal leaders can learn a lot from anthropologists about observing agency culture and listening to employees.


Biden Uses the State of the Union to Call Feds Back to Their Offices and for Increased Government Oversight

The president lays out new tasks for agencies in his address, along with ideas for where that work should take place.


Federal Agencies Can Relax Their Mask and Testing Requirements

The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force updated its guidance following new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Congress Has Approved a Measure to Push More FDA and NIH Funds to Their Private Sector Foundations

Lawmakers say the legislation, soon to be signed into law by President Biden, will help bridge gaps between the federal and private sectors to address current and future health crises.


Biden’s Latest Border Moves Spur Criticism that He’s Continuing Wall Construction

The administration says it’s filling in wall gaps for agent safety and flood control, and documents suggest an environmental assessment for 86 miles of wall in South Texas is a stalling tactic.


The House Oversight Committee Continues Its Probe Into Trump Records

A House committee is asking for more information about records from the Trump administration. One area of focus is missing social media records.


State Dept. Nominees Can Move Forward, Now That a GOP Senator Has Lifted His Holds 

Sen. Ted Cruz is allowing the process to move forward now that Biden has reinstated sanctions on the company in charge of the natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. 


Cost Overruns and Delays for OPM's Trust Fund Modernization

OPM is working to modernize the legacy financial system that manages retirement, health benefits and life insurance programs, but it's behind schedule and over budget.


GovExec Daily: How Biden Can Achieve Equity Goals

Michael McAfee and Max Stier join the podcast to discuss how the White House can match its DEIA rhetoric with action.


The Federal Prisons Lockdown Is Over At All But One Facility

The nationwide lockdown was implemented on Jan. 31 after two inmates died following a fight.


The Postal Service Has Rejected Biden's Push for More Electric Vehicles

The agency's decision to stick with its original plan marks "a crucial lost opportunity," the Biden administration says.


All American Presidents Have Lied – the Question Is Why and When

A political philosopher argues that while all American presidents may lie, those who appear to lie for the public good are often celebrated.