
Opinion: This Is Why the President’s Management Agenda Is Poised for Real Success

The strategy is smart to focus on empowering federal employees and building better relationships between management and unions.


Congress Is Heading Toward Yet Another Stopgap Spending Bill This Week to Avoid a Shutdown

A measure to fund agencies through March 11 will allow appropriators to get over the finish line on full-year spending, top House Democrat says.


Bird Flu Is Back in the United States. Here’s What You Should Know

Bird flu has shown up again in the United States, but what exactly is it and should you worry? An expert explains what's important to know.


Biden’s Latest Executive Order Seeks to Promote Efficiency in Federal Construction Contracting

The move aligns the administration's goals of increasing participation in unions and using federal procurement to advance equity.


Bureau Director To Congress: Federal Prisons Are Not As Badly Understaffed As People Think

Vacancies are concentrated in a small number of locations and will be addressed partly through recruitment incentives, director testifies during a House hearing.


A New Bill Would Move Immigration Judges to the Judiciary, Protecting Them from Political Interference

Democrats who introduced the measure said it will make immigration proceedings akin to those of the U.S. tax court.


Using Behavioral Science is One Way to Increase Satisfaction With Government Services

The success of the new federal COVID test kit website shows what behavioral science can offer to help make services more accessible.


The House Finally Plans to Vote on Postal Reform Next Week

The long-sought-after bill could make its way to the president's desk by the end of the month.


It’s Day 6 of COVID, and a Rapid Antigen Test Comes Back Positive. Stay Home, Say Virologists.

Say you’re on Day 6 — or 8 or 10 — of a symptomatic COVID infection, and a rapid antigen test comes back positive. Could the test just be detecting bits and pieces of dead virus? If you’re a petri dish, sure. But if you’re a human, chances are you’re still infectious. Virologists weigh in.


The White House’s Regulatory Office is About to Lose Its Interim Director

A career official is stepping up to fill the vacancy; Biden has yet to name a permanent leader for the office.


The Deadline is Here for Federal Contractors to Start Paying at least $15 an Hour

This comes as a “record number” of states and localities are increasing their minimum wages in 2022.


It’s Time to Bridge the Divide Separating Policymakers and Researchers

President Biden’s management agenda provides the perfect opportunity for government officials and public policy researchers to help one another solve pressing problems.


Biden Administration Releases New Transgender Federal Prison Policy

Biden’s policy will require federal prison staff to use a transgender person’s lived name and pronouns in an effort to combat widespread abuse behind bars.


Bipartisan Pair of Lawmakers Considers Reforms to CDC, Other Health Agencies 

Making the CDC director a Senate-confirmed position is one provision in a new draft bill on pandemic preparedness.