
Immigration and Customs Enforcement to Cease Worksite Raids

Efforts to round up undocumented immigrants en masse waste resources, Biden administration says.


Does Happiness Slow Down Cognitive Decline?

After tracking people for 12 years, researchers found that those with better psychological well-being had lower odds of developing cognitive impairment.


GovExec Daily: How Modernization Can be Done Effectively

Nextgov's Brandi Vincent speaks to HHS' Michael Peckham about moving forward to serve the mission.


One Army Command’s Plan for the ‘Future of Work’

“We want to provide the flexibility to our workforce to work where and when they're most productive,” says John Willison, a senior executive at the Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command.


The Three Keys to Providing More Equitable Government Services

The path forward requires a fundamental shift in how federal programs are designed and implemented.


Senate Votes to Punt Debt Crisis to December After Lawmakers Strike Deal

Congressional leaders have yet to spell out how they will avoid potential delayed paychecks for feds in the long term.


OPM’s Telework Initiatives Dovetail with Climate Change Planning

The agency announced a program to connect leaders from the private and nonprofit sectors with federal agencies to address climate change.


Collins’ Skillful Piloting Helped NIH Steer Clear of Political Minefields

Dr. Francis Collins, who announced he is stepping down as chief of the National Institutes of Health, used his communication skills and political insights to help protect the highly acclaimed federal research institutes through difficult times.


GovExec Daily: Preparing Your Finances For the Next Shutdown

Financial analyst Clark Kendall joins the show to discuss how public servants should get ready for potential furloughs.


A Debt Default Could Mean Furloughs or IOUs for Federal Employees

There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding what would happen to agency operations and employees' compensation if the Treasury is unable to pay all of its bills.


USDA’s Hubert Hamer On Fighting Climate Change and Fixing Food Insecurity

Other priorities are containing the pandemic, ensuring racial justice and equity, and rebuilding the rural economy.


Most Vaccine-Hesitant People Remain Willing to Change Their Minds

A new study shows people's views are not set in stone. The director of the National Institutes of Health explains.


The Latest on Agencies’ Return-to-Office Plans

A look at agencies’ various approaches to getting employees back to their worksites; this list will be updated periodically.


Postal Service Launches Banking Pilot With Hopes to Expand in Early 2022

USPS is taking a limited approach in just four cities to start but is already engaged in expansion plans.


Fewer People Used City Parks during First COVID-19 Summer

Fewer people used urban parks during summer of 2020, a drop that more likely affected minorities and those from lower-income backgrounds.


GovExec Daily: Federal Contractors and the Vaccine Mandate

Eric Leonard and Martha Vázquez joins the show to discuss the ways firms will have to adjust.


Human Capital Execs Are ‘Resigned’ to Operating Around a Failed HR System

Looking to the future, the GS system will be a barrier to rebuilding a federal workforce with essential expertise.


Lawmakers Introduce Smattering of Bills to Avoid Future Shutdowns

The last-minute action to keep federal agencies open past Sept. 30 has spurred a flurry of legislation aimed at automatically funding federal programs in the face of congressional inaction.