
OPM Reclaims Human Capital Council Duties Following Failed GSA Merger

The Trump administration had moved the Chief Human Capital Officers Council’s staff from OPM to GSA shortly before Congress blocked the controversial plan to merge the agencies.


Analysis: Necessary or Not, COVID-19 Booster Shots Are Probably on the Horizon

In today’s pharmaceutical universe, a simple “safe and effective” determination by the Food and Drug Administration to approve a drug can be manipulated to sell products of questionable value. And drugmakers can profit handsomely.


Hiring and Retention Are Key to Modernizing the State Department, Experts Testify

The secretary of State has said he is committed to “recruiting, retaining, promoting officers with the skills to contend with 21st century challenges and who look like the country we represent.”


To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy, Public Officials Need to Get Creative

To achieve herd immunity, a new survey shows a need to address specific misinformation themes.


USPS Regulator Approves Price Spike but Warns Mail Slowdowns Could Have Worse-Than-Expected Impact

Commission criticizes postal management for faulty assumptions, insufficient testing and disregard for customers.


GovExec Daily: The 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated'

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss vaccination rates and other COVID-19 stories.


DOJ Will Not Prosecute Trump Officials After IG Referred Findings of False Testimony on Census

Investigators verified that former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross misled Congress, but the Justice Department said it won't pursue prosecution.


A Postal Worker Begged for Stronger COVID-19 Protections. She Ended Up Spending Six Weeks in the Hospital.

The limited response to postal workers’ repeated appeals for help provides a window into the failures of two federal agencies: the Postal Service, which is one of the country’s largest employers, and OSHA, which is supposed to protect workers.


Five Ways Agencies Can Become More Agile

The federal government is only now beginning to adopt what many view as the new standard for how work gets done in a post-COVID world.


GovExec Daily: Is USPS Service Back to Normal?

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss how the Postal Service's news of an uptick in on-time delivery.


Federal Diversity Officers Stress Importance of Data 

OPM, State Department, FBI and Office of the Director of National Intelligence officials speak about Biden’s recent executive order and what they’ve already been doing. 


State Dept. Promises 'Surge' Staffing to Confront Unprecedented Passport Backlog and Wait Times

Passport specialist workforce has yet to catch up to pre-pandemic levels, which were already well short of full staffing.


We Must Ensure Water Infrastructure Funds Support the Public, Not Profiteers

Many private interests see the flow of federal funding as a way to subsidize their own profits.


Post-Vaccination Infections Come in 2 Different Flavors

Lumping all breakthroughs together, regardless of symptoms, miscasts what our COVID-19 vaccines can do.


FLRA Narrows Labor’s Ability to Litigate Bargaining Disputes

In a controversial 2-1 decision, Republican appointees ruled that unions cannot seek relief for alleged unfair labor practices that arise during contract negotiations if they have already sought redress for separate violations during the same bargaining process.