
GovExec Daily: The New Postal Board Nominees and the Future of USPS

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the latest Postal Service news.


Biden Signs Executive Order to Promote Collective Bargaining

A new task force made up of federal agency heads is charged with identifying ways to encourage “worker empowerment,” including acting as a model employer that fosters unions at agencies.


Flurry of Climate Action Belies a Major Omission: There’s No Strategy

As Biden’s climate priorities gain momentum, the need for a national climate adaptation strategy is more important than ever.


Feds’ Engagement and Job Satisfaction Rises Despite—or Because of—Pandemic

Officials who administered the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey warned against making sweeping conclusions about the 2020 results, due to changes in the survey's timing and some of its content.


Why It Matters That CDC Declared Racism a Public Health Issue

The move draws attention to long-ignored racial gaps in health care.


Are Reforms to the Federal Vacancies Act Still Needed Under President Biden? 

Experts say “yes.” A House lawmaker plans to reintroduce a bill soon to make improvements.   


What Federal Employees Need to Know About Evolving Marijuana Laws

New policies don’t mean federal workers should rush to their local dispensary, and national security leaders in particular are urging caution.


Vaccine Mandates Aren’t the Only – or Easiest – Way for Employers to Compel Workers to Get Their Shots

Can companies legally require workers to get vaccinated? Employers have gotten so good at finding ways to get employees to comply with their policies that it may not matter.


Bipartisan Lawmakers Launch Caucus to Simplify and Strengthen Federal Construction Procurement 

“Our federal contractors need members of Congress to promote sensible reforms,” said the co-chairs.


OPM Nominee Sails Through Confirmation Hearing, Pledging to Support Feds and Uphold Merit System

Kiran Ahuja outlined her vision for the federal workforce and the need for the Office of Personnel Management to transform to become a 21st century personnel policymaking agency.


Biden's Postal Board Nominees Pledge Better Service and Workforce Investments

Their confirmation would give Democrat-aligned members a majority of the nine Senate-confirmed slots on the USPS board of governors, but the board would still be unlikely to fire Postmaster General DeJoy.


With Hurricane Season Looming, FEMA Aims to Stave Off Burnout After 'Tiresome' Year

Some offices are at 10% capacity due to widespread deployments, leaving few employees behind to prepare for upcoming storms.


Union Criticizes Civil Service Carveouts in Science Bills

Two bills aimed at revitalizing the National Science Foundation include major exceptions to federal hiring rules that AFGE officials say are reminiscent of former President Trump’s controversial and aborted Schedule F initiative.


Managing Pay When the Goal is Rebuilding the STEMM Workforce

This would be an ideal time to rethink the talent management policies for these essential occupations.


COVID-19 Public Health Messages Have Been All Over the Place – but Researchers Know How to Do Better

During the pandemic, clear and reliable health communication can literally be a life-and-death issue. Researchers who focus on the science of science communication highlight strategies that work.