Wiedlea team, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
With scarce funding and time, Andrew Wiedlea (third from the right) and his team created the Constellation prototype, an unclassified system that aims to enhance situational awareness of threats from weapons of mass destruction and U.S. and international counter-WMD activities. Using a local cloud-based architecture instantiated across separate security domains, Constellation enables users to access, analyze, share and visualize information to support DoD and international partners. While other agencies may focus on a single network, the Constellation prototype is being deployed on unclassified, secret and top secret networks in parallel to support users across the U.S. government. Within the next year, the system will be granted an authority to operate across multiple security domains. The team included: Dariusz Basiaga, Lt. Col. Michael Davis, Dustin Eward, Philip Gerow, Rebecca Gurba, Jennifer Flinn, Chad Hanneman, CDR David Johnson, LCDR David Johnson, Capt. Amanda Kosturko, Tamera Kumpe, Tim Leong, Scott Levac, Richard May, Jim Miles, Maj. Ryan Morgan, David Sanders, Capt Morgan Sparks, Maj. Roy Thompson, Tracy Wentworth and Joseph Woodward.