Shay D. Assad
Position: Money Man
Skills: Getting the most for the taxpayers’ dime
Achievements: As director of pricing in the Office of the Secretary of Defense he developed an acquisition plan that saved $15 billion over two years—real money even at the Pentagon.
Recognition: 2013 Presidential Rank Award Winner

Michael Byrne
Position: Geographic Data Opportunist
Skills: All things data
Achievements: Best known for creating the interactive, highly detailed National Broadband Map while at the Federal Communications Commission; now serving citizens similarly at the Consumer Financial Protection Board; active GitHub contributor.
Recognition: 2014 Service to America Medal finalist

Joshua Campbell
Position: Information Architect
Skills: Moving data where it’s needed most
Achievements: The former State Department geographer built a process for sharing free and open data that greatly improved global assistance and public diplomacy.
Recognition: 2013 Nextgov Bold Award winner

Richard Haley
Position: Project Manager Extraordinaire
Skills: Financial acumen, tech know-how
Achievements: As chief financial officer at the FBI, he led the team that replaced the bureau’s decades-old financial system on schedule—during the government shutdown.
Recognition: 2008 Presidential Rank Award winner

Tammi Marcoullier
Position: Leverager in Chief
Skills: Collaboration and outreach
Achievements: Together with her deputy Karen Trebon, manages the General Services Administration’s Challenge.gov website, the powerful platform for crowdsourcing problem-solving at federal agencies.
Recognition: Challenge.gov won Harvard University’s 2013 Innovations in American Government Award

Marion Mollegen McFadden
Position: Master Rebuilder
Skills: Disaster recovery legal expertise
Achievements: As COO and acting executive director for the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force the HUD senior attorney coordinated the effort to help restore communities.
Recognition: 2014 Service to America Medal finalist

John Streufert
Position: Security Guru
Skills: Data protection
Achievements: A leader in federal network security initiatives, especially those aimed at protecting critical infrastructure, he led the
$6 billion effort to provide continuous diagnostics and mitigation governmentwide.
Recognition: 2014 Nextgov Bold Award finalist; 2014 Federal 100