Not close to a debt deal yet, Boehner says after GOP meeting

House Republicans say a short-term debt ceiling extension is likely coming.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, met with Republican members on Friday and said no agreement has been reached with the White House, several lawmakers said.

He did not lay out details of any plan that is under discussion, but House Republicans say there are more signs a short-term debt extension is coming, to allow more time after the Aug. 2 deadline to get a deal done.

"I'm going to say this one more time, there was no agreement publicly, privately -- and frankly, not close to an agreement," Boehner told a news conference.

He added, "It will be a hot weekend here in Washington D.C.," referring to expected continued negotiations.

Rank-and-file GOP members said they were told the same thing in a closed-door meeting with Boehner -- but that did not stop several from trying to get details of what, if anything, has been agreed to. Boehner declined to say.

"I think that one thing -- we got a pretty good picture that things are all up in the air," said Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., one of several lawmakers to say Boehner insisted negotiators were not near a deal on a debt ceiling deal.

But several -- including Rep. Bobby Schilling, R-Ill., -- said Boehner also indicated that President Obama would now be open to a short-term extension bill of anywhere from two weeks to six weeks, as negotiations on an agreement continue.