What do Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Pope Francis and Hugo Chávez have in common? Of course, they are all former or current leaders of sovereign states and they were all major players in jokes on last night's late-night shows.
The man formerly known as Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio
took center stage on most of the shows, with Conan O’Brien and Craig Ferguson using the South American angle to comment on race in the United States. On NBC, Jimmy Fallon explained how armies work in regards to North Korea’s
recent war talk
and Jay Leno had to explain Venezuelan socialism to his crowd.
In domestic news, Paul Ryan also came in for some scrutiny of
The Late Show
, as Letterman let
Ryan’s recent gaffe
sit there without comment. Fallon also brought up Ryan in regards to CPAC’s start Thursday. Letterman also had the
new TSA restrictions
on his mind for the third straight night.
Fast forward to 3:15 to see Fallon present the most prominent CPAC speakers.