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Americans Have Some Awful Ideas About Fixing Congress

Gallup recently asked more than 1,000 Americans "What is the most important thing you would recommend be done to fix Congress?"

How would you fix Congress? Gallup recently asked more than 1,000 Americans "What is the most important thing you would recommend be done to fix Congress?" Half their answers are published here

If reading through the responses sounds depressing, don't worry: we went through the list so you don't have to, and picked out the good, the bad, and the painfully naïve. "Good" ideas are ones that should at least be considered. "Bad" ideas are of the "impeach Obama for turning America into a third world country" variety, and "Naïve" ideas are not actually ideas, but nice sounding sentiments. 

The Good

"Term limits."

A lot of people seem to think this is a good idea. In the 1990s two dozen states passed laws limiting term limits before the Supreme Court ruled the laws unconstitutional. That's what elections are for. 

"There should be independent commissions to set the district boundaries for the U.S. House." 


"Well, to get to being decent people, stop acting like two-year-olds. They are elected to represent us, so they ought to do that...they are elected to pass laws and they ought to pass laws. I don't like what they're doing."

Maturity is always a good thing.

"New elections, we need a new face in Congress."

Luckily, there will be a new election in November!

"If anybody could take care of our returning service men, I’d like that."

Like, say, passing legislation to improve service at Veterans' Affairs hospitals

The Bad

"Clean the House of non-partisan people." 

Pretty sure he means "partisan," in which case, that's the purpose of elections.

"Increase the benefits of social security."

Other than the fact that many members of Congress are old enough to collect on benefits, we don't see how this would help Congress. 

"Get rid of the president. He should be impeached. He turned the U.S. into a third-world country. We have no more credibility in the U.S."

Regardless of how one feels about the president and impeachment, America isn't a third world country.

"Close the border and ship the illegals back home." & "The immigrant thing." 

"The immigrant thing." 

"I can't judge, because I’m not in Congress. I feel like it's an internal problem that they should fix themselves."

Congress works for you.

"Put Republicans as a majority in the Senate and House." & "Have a Democratic president and have the majority of the House and the Senate be Democrats."

Let's think long-term, people. 

"Abide by the platform you ran on."


"Lower their pay and make them live in the means of a normal (average) American salary."

The thought of lawmakers living on the minimum wage they've been reluctant to raise sounds good, but the reality is that those representatives would go on to become lobbyists, and possibly help out their future employers while they're in office.

"More vacation time."

Apparently Congress isn't excluded from responding.


Firearm bills or firearms on the floor? Either, this won't help fix Congress.  

"Well placed dynamite...I guess I have never seen so much upheaval in my life. More common sense." 

A domestic terrorism event will not help.

"Put the Lord ahead of their agenda." &"I think if they would honestly repent and seek the Lord, I think the Lord would help."

Many Americans wish members of Congress would stop pushing their interpretation of the Lord's agenda.

The Naïve

"The need to get along and try to do right for the people."

That would be nice. 

"Lock them in a room together until they get along."


"I think they all need to get along. And I think there should not be parties."

That would be nice. 

"They would get something done."

That would be nice.

"Just fix the situation with the economy."

That would be nice. 

"Both sides work together and quit taking so many breaks when there is business to attend to."

Congress goes on recess to meet with their constituents

"Honestly, probably get rid of all the people who aren't working for people, who are working for money, which is most of them in my opinion. Get a fresh start." 

Again, that would be nice. 

"Cheaper health insurance, legalize marijuana."

We can only think of one way legalized weed would help ease tensions in Congress.

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