
ATF Misclassified Jobs. A Senator Wants the Justice Department to Dig Deeper.

Citing concerns by the whistleblowers who triggered the investigation that found that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had systematically misclassified administrative jobs as law enforcement-related, Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, asked the Justice Department to do a more thorough investigation.


Biden and McCarthy Strike Positive Tone After Debt Limit Talks, But No Deal Yet

"We don’t have an agreement yet, but I did feel the discussion was productive in areas that we have differences of opinion,” McCarthy said Monday.


Top Postal Regulator Calls for Expanded Reach Amid Feud With DeJoy

As USPS management says its regulator is standing in its way, the commission's chairman seeks to grow to keep pace with DeJoy's changes.


Overhaul Federal Permitting as Part of the Debt Limit Deal? Not as Easy as It Sounds.

Time is running out for a deal on permitting legislation to be included in a debt limit bill.


A U.S. Attorney Quits After 'Most Egregious' Hatch Act and Ethical Violation Reports

Leaking non-public information to media outlets to influence an election and using her position to gain Celtics tickets were among the transgressions found by investigators.


Biden Vows Debt Ceiling Talks Will Continue while He’s Overseas at G7 Summit

Treasury Secretary Yellen repeatedly warned Congress accounting maneuvers will be exhausted within weeks, U.S. could default on its bills as early as June 1.


Lawyer Fees Draw Scrutiny as Camp Lejeune Claims Stack Up

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, which became law last year, created a pathway for veterans and their families to pursue damage claims against the government for toxic exposure at the military base. Now, advocates and lawmakers worry high lawyer fees could shortchange those injured.


Republicans Remind the White House They Still Want to Know More About Biden’s Labor Policies for Contractors

President Biden issued an executive order last year requiring project labor agreements for federal construction work. 


Trump’s Global Media CEO Abused Authority and Wasted Funds, Review Finds

New agency leadership has been working to restore the agency’s operations and make corrective reforms.


Republicans' Unemployment Fraud Bill Passes House, Gets Senate Version

The bill’s passage in the House fell one day after the indictment of one of its cosponsors – Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y. – for unemployment fraud.


A Debt Ceiling Breach Could Mean the Federal Government Decides Not to 'Pay Any Government Employees This Week'

Economist Patrick Gourley joins the podcast to discuss the potential debt ceiling consequences.


A Brief History of Debt Ceiling Crises and the Political Chaos They’ve Unleashed

There are political as well as economic risks to debt standoffs in Congress.


Senators From Across the Aisle Agree: Biden Needs to Nominate 6 Watchdogs, Quickly 

Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., underscored the need for permanent leadership to fully “promote economical, efficient, and effective administration and operation of the government.”


House Republicans Have Questions About the White House’s Regulatory Update

A staff-level briefing for the House Oversight and Accountability Committee is in the works. 


Bipartisan Group Projects U.S. Default as Soon as Early June, Citing ‘Quite Low’ Cash Flows

Depending on how long a default lasted, a global recession could be triggered, new analysis finds


The Wheels that Squeak: Why Preventing Fraud is Not a Government Priority

Agency leaders need more institutional incentives to manage fraud, waste, and abuse in their programs systemically, argues one former member of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee.


OSC: ATF Wasted At Least $10 Million Misclassifying Administrative Jobs as Law Enforcement

Although OPM and ATF investigations found around 100 positions within the agency’s HR department were improperly provided enhanced law enforcement pay and benefits, the whistleblowers who prompted the probe said the problem is more widespread than that.


U.S. Default Could Begin June 8 without Agreement, Top Economist Tells Congress

Congress has eight working days with both chambers in session before Memorial Day, and negotiations appear non-existent.


Asylum Limits, More Border Security Funds Proposed in House GOP Immigration Bill

A spike in the number of migrants seeking asylum in the United States has challenged local, state and federal authorities.


The Debt Ceiling Negotiations Begin Again

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss how the discussions will affect feds.