
GAO Pegs Unemployment Insurance Fraud Tally at More Than $60 billion

At the same time, the congressional watchdog cautioned that governmentwide fraud estimates are potentially dicey.


Trump’s Interior Secretary Was Cleared in Probe on Water Project and Former Client

So was the department’s ethics office that conducted a review for possible conflicts of interest.


'There's a Lot of Work to be Done' to Even the Gender Playing Field in Business

National Women's Business Council member Jaime Gloshay joins the podcast to discuss what women entrepreneurs and business owners face.


A Watchdog Finds Missing Guns, Other Issues With the Federal Government’s Firearm Donation Program

GSA lacks a clear policy and proper oversight for its efforts to provide states with guns that federal agencies no longer need.


FDA Falls Short on IT Contract Management, Watchdog Finds

An audit of the agency's IT contract spend found that FDA officials failed to file acquisition information such as contract performance evaluations and competition efforts.


Former Oversight Chair: Republicans Just Want to ‘Investigate and Destroy’

Former Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., decried the direction of her former committee and Republican priorities in the new Congress. 


White House Defends Delay in Revealing Classified Documents at Biden Private Office and Home

Federal prosecutor Robert Hur will lead investigation to determine if president had mishandled classified material


COVID-19 and How the CDC Can Change Before the Next Pandemic

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss a new report with recommendations.


Although USDA Agencies that Relocated to Kansas City Have Recovered from Staff Exoduses, Their Diversity Hasn’t

The Agriculture Department’s Economic Research Service and National Institutes of Food and Agriculture shed more than half their workforces following their relocation from Washington to Kansas City.


House GOP Would Make It Easier for Feds to Give Public Lands Away to States

House Republicans had an identical rule when they controlled the chamber from 2017 to 2019.


Congress Investigates Presidents, the Military, Baseball and Whatever It Wants – a Brief Modern History of Oversight

The House GOP has announced a slew of investigations, including a review of the conduct of the Department of Justice and its investigations of Donald Trump.


The Commerce Dept. Needs Better Oversight of its Law Enforcement Unit, IG Found

The unit handles investigations and enforcement actions on violations related to export laws and regulations, and the bureau that houses it has become “even more important amid Russia’s war and rising U.S.-China tensions,” one analyst observed. 


America’s Biggest Museums Fail to Return Native American Human Remains

The remains of more than 100,000 Native Americans are held by prestigious U.S. institutions, despite a 1990 law meant to return them to tribal nations. Here’s how the ancestors were stolen — and how tribes are working to get them back.


Burning Man Sues BLM Over Geothermal Project

The nonprofit behind the festival says that the agency failed to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act when it ruled in October that the exploration project would have “no significant impact,” meaning it doesn’t require a more rigorous environmental review.


Interior’s Cyber Practices Allow for Easily Crackable Passwords, Watchdog Finds

An OIG investigation found that the Interior Department has not fully implemented multifactor authentication and that its “outdated and ineffective” password requirements leave employees’ accounts vulnerable to exploitation.


Joe Biden Tours El Paso for First Border Visit of His Presidency

He was greeted by Gov. Greg Abbott upon arrival at the El Paso airport. Abbott has been a chief critic of Biden’s immigration policies and has frequently called on him to visit the border over the past year.


VA Is Much Slower at Setting Appointments When Sending Vets to the Private Sector for Care

The department is failing to meet its less ambitious goals for health care appointments outside its own system.


Ancient Greece Had Extreme Polarization and Civil Strife Too – How Thucydides Can Help Us Understand Jan. 6 and Its Aftermath

The insights of an ancient historian show that the causes of civil unrest are often the same over time and across societies.