Do you like your job? Uncle Sam seeks feedback
Full and part-time employees can weigh in on annual job satisfaction survey through the end of June.
The Office of Personnel Management this month began distributing the government’s annual survey of the federal workforce.
Through June 30, federal employees can voice their opinions, concerns and overall satisfaction with their jobs as part of the 2012 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. OPM is administering this year’s survey to 1.8 million workers, up from about 560,000 employees in 2011. In addition, for the first time, the survey will include both full-time and part-time federal employees.
OPM also has added three demographic items regarding employees’ disability status, veterans status and sexual orientation to broaden the government’s knowledge of diversity within the federal workforce. The survey questions, ranging from overall job satisfaction to perceptions on pay and performance management, remain the same.
Responses are confidential, and OPM is encouraging agency supervisors to allow employees to take the 25-minute survey during the workday.
More than 266,000 federal employees participated in the 2011 survey, in which nearly 92 percent of respondents said they believed the work they do is important, and 85 percent reported enjoying their jobs. Federal workers were less thrilled, however, about their pay in 2011 than they were in 2010 -- not surprising given the two-year civilian pay freeze that took effect at the beginning of last year. On pay satisfaction, 62.5 percent of the responses to the 2011 survey were positive, down from 65.8 percent in 2010.
(Image via Timurpix /Shutterstock.com)