Pay & Benefits

IRS announces two-year delay to TSP catch-up contribution changes

New rules requiring high-income 401(k) participants to make catch-up contributions only to Roth accounts will not take effect until 2026.

Pay & Benefits

TSP contribution limits will increase again next year, consultants predict

This would mark the third straight year that the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings plan and similar private sector programs see a boost in their annual contribution limits.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmakers urge OPM to expand FEHBP infertility coverage for LGBTQ+ feds

A group of 30 congressional Democrats called out “outdated” gaps in how the federal government’s employer-sponsored health insurance program covers infertility treatments, particularly for employees in the LGBTQ+ community.

Pay & Benefits

Do you know what your TSP is for?

When you were first hired, your retirement benefit may have been described to you as a three-legged stool: pension, Social Security, and TSP savings. One financial planner advises feds not to shortchange the last leg.

Pay & Benefits

OPM clarifies pay rules for teleworkers who must travel during work

Guidance aimed at stipulating when employees must be paid for their travel to traditional work sites comes ahead of an expected push by agencies to increase the amount of “meaningful in-person work” this fall.

Pay & Benefits

How phased retirement works

The ins and outs of a program that a lot of feds are curious about.

Pay & Benefits

Per diem rates for federal workers will increase this fall, GSA says

The standard lodging rate will jump by nearly $10 beginning in October, as the government continues to confront recent inflation.

Pay & Benefits

Deadline approaches for Biden’s 5.2% pay raise plan

The president must formalize his proposal to give federal employees their largest annual pay increase in more than 40 years by the end of this month, or automatic boosts to locality pay will kick in.

Pay & Benefits

IVF coverage is available to veterans under VA insurance — if you’re heterosexual and married

A lawsuit filed in federal court would push the agency to cover the treatment — the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology — for people who are single, or who are in LGBTQ+ relationships.

Pay & Benefits

Labor Dept. will offer training on new rules to boost some federal contractors' wages

Earlier this week, the Biden administration announced a major overhaul of regulations governing the compensation of construction workers on federally funded projects.

Pay & Benefits

Bill to alleviate federal pay compression introduced by House Dems

The Pay Compression Relief Act would effectively allow General Schedule employees to receive annual increases to both basic and locality pay, even if they have already hit the federal pay cap.

Pay & Benefits

These 4 things must be paid before you get your federal pension monies

COMMENTARY | One financial planner says it's best to head into retirement with your eyes open.

Pay & Benefits

The ‘future is at risk’ for government’s biggest civilian payroll provider, study finds

The National Finance Center — a part of the Agriculture Department — provides payroll services for over 170 agencies, but a lot of them aren’t happy with the services they’re getting.

Pay & Benefits

Split in U.S. House GOP raises potential for government shutdown this fall

The stalemate stems from disagreement about how much the government should spend and whether bills should be filled with far-right policy objectives.