
VA Deputy Says He Has Confidence in Senior Executives He Demoted

Judges' decisions to reinstate Diana Rubens and Kim Graves demonstrate the thorny personnel issues a 2014 law is creating.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Expected to Double in Size in Coming Years

Funds invested in retirement accounts will go “from massive to even more massive,” official says.

Pay & Benefits

Military’s Paid Maternity Leave Now 12 Weeks; Feds Still At Zero

The Defense secretary has broad discretion to determine paid maternity leave for female service members.

Pay & Benefits

Another Chance for Health Plan Changes

An unusual limited opportunity to switch to a new type of FEHBP coverage.

Pay & Benefits

Republicans Renew Push for More Data on Union 'Official Time'

OPM has not reported in 16 months on feds working for unions on the taxpayer's dime.


Scalia's Death and the Consequences for Unions

With the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, organized labor may be spared—for a little while.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmaker Pushes for 5.3 Percent Pay Raise

Democrat says Obama’s 1.6 percent proposal ‘doesn’t come close’ to fairness.


Oops. Did the IRS Send Capitol Hill Staff the Wrong Tax Form?

Senator Vitter sends commissioner complaint as part of challenge to OPM Obamacare rule.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Tax Tips

Maximizing your withdrawals while avoiding penalties.

Pay & Benefits

Bonus Bill For Feds Gains Momentum in Senate

Bipartisan legislation would allow agencies to give awards of up to $10,000 to federal employees who help save the government money.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmakers Push for Bargaining Rights for TSA Employees

Powerful committee Democrats say TSA workers are entitled to the same rights as other unionized feds.

Pay & Benefits

Obama's Budget Laments Small Pay Raise, Noting Feds' Sacrifice

White House says average federal worker will contribute $100K in savings over next decade.

Pay & Benefits

Obama Again Urges Paid Parental Leave for Federal Employees

The president's fiscal 2017 budget reiterates support for six weeks of paid administrative leave for feds after the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child.

Pay & Benefits

Union Vows to 'Fight Like Hell' for Higher Pay Raise

Democratic lawmaker says he and union will open 'a can of whoop ass' on anti-labor colleagues.