Pay & Benefits

Spending Deal Keeps Feds, Troops on Track for 1.3 Percent Raise

A separate part of the agreement would nearly double the subsidy for transit-riding feds.

Pay & Benefits

The Biggest Health-Care Winners in the Omnibus Deal

The package includes funding for NIH and 9/11 responders, and delays the “Cadillac Tax” on pricey health plans.

Pay & Benefits

Obama Increases SES Performance Award Spending Cap

Executive order aimed at streamlining hiring comes as OMB gives first customer service awards.

Pay & Benefits

Feds Likely to Receive First Mass Transit Benefit Boost in Two Years

Expected provision in tax package would nearly double subsidy for public transportation riders.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Board Starts to Tackle Military Retirement Reform

Agency that runs the government’s 401(k)-style benefit ramps up to auto-enroll new troops beginning in 2018.


Ladies, Join the Military For Equal Pay

The corporate world could learn a few lessons from the US military.

Pay & Benefits

Obama Signs Bill Pushing Back Shutdown Deadline 5 Days

The continuing resolution gives lawmakers some time to finalize omnibus spending bill.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmakers Move to Protect Feds In Case of Shutdown

Virginia representatives prep legislation to ensure back pay for furloughed workers if government closes.


Shipyard Senators Want Pentagon Travel Cuts Repealed

Bipartisan effort urges appropriators to reverse year-old cuts to long-term travel per diems for service members and Defense civilians.

Pay & Benefits

Talks to Avoid a Shutdown Will Drag on Another Week

Congress will approve another short-term spending bill to give negotiators on omnibus and tax packages more time.


VA Deputy Says Administrative Leave For Employees Will Be Exception, Not Rule

Sloan Gibson on Wednesday also defended before a House panel his decision not to fire two senior executives.

Pay & Benefits

Some Agencies' Shutdown Furlough Plans Have Changed Dramatically in Past 2 Years

Many feds sent home in 2013 would face a different fate this year if agencies are forced to close.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmakers Look to a Short-Term CR to Avoid a Shutdown While They Finish Omnibus Spending Bill

The omnibus spending bill and the tax-extender package are moving slowly, and Congress may need to stay in town at least through the weekend to finish its work.