Pay & Benefits

Some Feds Could Soon Be Automatically Enrolled in New Health Plans

New rule would involuntarily enroll FEHBP participants whose plans are terminated in the cheapest remaining option.

Pay & Benefits

Budget Deal Spares Feds’ Pay and Benefits

The two-year agreement raises the debt limit and provides some relief from sequestration without a sacrifice from federal employees.


Government Won’t Shut Down Again, Says Lawmaker

Maryland senator tells federal employees Congress will come up with a budget deal before December deadline.


The White House and Congressional Republicans Are Nearing a Budget Deal to Avoid Shutdown

Boehner is eager to get an agreement on spending and the debt ceiling before he leaves office.

Pay & Benefits

Feds Would Pay More Toward Pensions Under Proposal

Bill that would ease pain of sequestration also would require many federal employees to contribute 4.4 percent of pay to retirement benefits.

Pay & Benefits

DEA Paid Bonuses to Employees With Records of Sexual Harassment, Other Misconduct

Justice watchdog details $5,000 awarded to official reprimanded for yelling, porn-watching.

Pay & Benefits

Open Season Trick or Treat

It’s time to take a close look at your healthcare expenses for 2015 and consider ways to lower them in 2016.

Pay & Benefits

Obama Vetoes Bill Affecting Troop Pay and Benefits

The legislation includes a 1.3 percent pay raise in 2016 for service members and changes to the military retirement system.

Pay & Benefits

VA Senior Execs Subpoenaed To Testify Over Pay Raises, Relocation Benefits

Watchdog concluded department officials inappropriately used authorities to get around pay freeze.

Pay & Benefits

Senator Wants More Details on 88 Feds Paid to Sit Home for More Than a Year

Homeland Security Department hasn’t provided adequate answers on its use of paid administrative leave, Grassley says.


Presidential Hopeful Says It Should Be Easier to Fire All Feds

Senate Democrats block Republican Marco Rubio's VA firing bill for now, but it's not going anywhere.