Pay & Benefits

Military Bonuses Affected Despite Sequestration’s Hiatus

Defense hopes to save money by changing compensation structure associated with Marine Corps' special duty assignment pay.


Patent Office Telework Scandal Not Really About Telework

Mobile work advocates say the controversy is evidence of a management breakdown.

Pay & Benefits

COLA Boost is Hovering Around 1.8 Percent Now

The exact cost-of-living adjustment for 2015 won’t be known until October when all the numbers are in.

Pay & Benefits

Is This the Right Time for the White House to Promote Working from Home?

Allegations of feds abusing telework at Patent and Trademark Office put honest employees and managers in a tough spot.


A Breakthrough in Federal Labor-Management Relations at the Pentagon?

From one union's perspective, the Defense Department is working with labor groups better than ever on personnel reform.

Pay & Benefits

Are You Contributing Too Little to Your TSP?

A growing number of participants are not putting in enough to get the maximum match from their agency.

Pay & Benefits

A Phased Retirement Q&A

Answers to common questions about the new benefit.

Pay & Benefits

How Veterans’ Preference Laws Are Dragging Down Federal Hiring

‘Unwieldy’ and ‘convoluted’ laws are confusing vets and feds alike, report finds.

Pay & Benefits

How Federal Agencies Can Solve Skyrocketing Workers' Comp Costs

The Postal Service inspector general has recommended a slew of changes to 100-year-old law, including benefits cuts.

Pay & Benefits

Travel Per Diems Aren’t Changing in Fiscal 2015

Daily rates for government travelers will remain at $83 for lodging, and between $46 and $71 for meals and other expenses.

Pay & Benefits

Here’s Some Good News About Your Retirement Benefit

It’s safe for the next 80 years, says the Congressional Research Service.

Pay & Benefits

5 Things Agencies Must Do To Implement Phased Retirement

The ball is now in their court to fully define how the program will work.

Pay & Benefits

How to Win a Furlough Appeal

Tens of thousands of employees challenged their loss of work (and income) during sequestration; a few were successful.

Pay & Benefits

Civilians in Iraq To Get Higher Premium Pay

New guidance from OPM extends the pay cap waiver for a longer period.

Pay & Benefits

How Phased Retirement Affects Your TSP

Many of the same rules will still apply for those who partially retire and continue to work part-time.

Pay & Benefits

Not Everyone Is Eligible for Phased Retirement

Law enforcement officers and air traffic controllers are among those feds who can’t take advantage of the government’s new HR tool.

Pay & Benefits

5 Myths About Federal Retirement

Good news! You don’t have to be a millionaire to retire comfortably.