Pay & Benefits

Feds to Receive Administrative Leave for Vaccinations

New guidance from the White House Safer Federal Workforce Task Force simplifies the process for federal employees to receive leave to get themselves or family members vaccinated.

Pay & Benefits

What Still Needs to Happen for Feds to Get a Pay Raise Next Year

President Biden has until the end of this month to formally announce his plan to give federal workers an average 2.7% pay raise in 2022.


The Federal Pay Equity Quandary

Rebuilding the workforce will require a pay system that is seen as fair to highly qualified men and women. It also has to enable agencies to compete for talent.

Pay & Benefits

When It’s Time to Retire, Be Ready for Things to Go Wrong

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst when you file your retirement papers.

Pay & Benefits

Federal Firefighters to See Pay Increase Next Week

The pay raise, intended to ensure firefighters receive at least $15 per hour, was promised by President Biden earlier this year and will be retroactive to June 30.

Pay & Benefits

GSA Announces Fiscal 2022 Travel Per Diem Rates

The per diem for lodging will remain at fiscal 2021 levels next year, due to the downturn in hotel prices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pay & Benefits

Federal Prosecutors Call on Justice Dept. to Close Pay Gap With Other Lawyers

An employee association said assistant U.S. attorneys make as much as $40,000 less than other attorneys at the Justice Department, a gap that hinders the corps’ diversity goals.

Pay & Benefits

Employee Group Calls on OPM to Ban Salary History from Hiring

An employee organization focused on gender equity at the Justice Department said the federal government should stop asking job applicants for their salary history, a practice that contributes to pay disparity across gender and race.

Pay & Benefits

Making Sense of Medicare Advantage

Should you be among the growing number of retirees who are opting for these plans over traditional Medicare?

Pay & Benefits

TSP Funds Show Modest Gains in July

Only one of the portfolios in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program lost value last month.

Pay & Benefits

How ‘Degree Discrimination’ Can Affect Feds’ Pay

As long as the majority of federal positions require degrees, opening up opportunities to pursue higher education will be key to creating a more diverse workforce.