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Archived Livestream - 2015 E-Signature Summit for Digital Government
Presented by
eSignLive by Silanis
All levels and branches of government are under pressure to lower cost, improve service delivery and strengthen accountability – goals that are seemingly at odds. Luckily e-signatures deliver on all these fronts.
View this archive to learn how electronic signatures are supporting today’s digital government strategies around mobility, the cloud and cyber security. Ideal for senior IT and program managers tasked with eliminating paper-based workflows, this archived video series will be a unique opportunity to learn from and network with peers.
- Complete presentation file from E-Signature Summit
- More resources for government by e-SignLive available here
The summit featured a case study of the USDA’s electronic signature initiative and educational sessions from the most experienced e-signature provider to government. e-SignLive shared best practices gained from more than 500 government customers and some of the longest running, largest paperless initiatives including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, GSA and the US Army.
Viewers will gain practical guidance and tools to help their organizations become digital.
Welcome, E-Signatures in Government Update
Speakers: Mary Ellen Power, VP Marketing, e-SignLive by Silanis
Digital Government Success Story – How Secure E-Signatures Enable Online Permitting at USDA
Michele Thomas, CISO, USDA APHIS
Digital Government Success Story – How Secure E-Signatures Enable Online Permitting at USDA
Patrick McFall, Director, Software Services & Delivery, USDA APHIS
E-Signature Technology Primer – how it works, why it’s secure and options for getting started
Joe McKairnes, Sr. Systems Engineer, e-SignLive by Silanis
- Complete presentation file from E-Signature Summit
- More resources for government by e-SignLive available here