Identity: Powering modern digital services for the public sector

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Identity management is the first impression constituents have of their government when accessing benefits or services. For this reason, it’s crucial that the experience be as frictionless as possible. But ensuring these processes are fast, easy and secure is a tall order for any agency. Luckily, Okta is here to help.

No one knows the power of Okta better than Joey Barkley, a former customer who implemented Okta for various projects with the Department of Energy and Department of Defense. In his current role as Senior Solutions Engineer at the organization, Barkley works to bring streamlined identity solutions to the government every day. Check out the video to learn more about how Okta’s modern identity solution can deliver secure, reliable, user-friendly services to government organizations and constituents.

Learn more about how Okta can help your agency tackle today's biggest hurdles.

This content is made possible by our sponsor Okta; it is not written by and does not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff. 

NEXT STORY: Fighting public benefits fraud? It’s time to modernize identity.