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Delivering Secure, Mobile Network Access at Navy Fleet Week
DXC U.S. Public Sector is expanding what the NMCI Deployable Site Transport Boundary (DSTB) solution can do in the field.
Presented by Perspecta Inc.
Effective June 1, 2018, DXC U.S. Public Sector became part of Perspecta Inc.
Over the past couple weeks in New York City, Navy personnel celebrated Fleet Week, an annual week-long celebration of the sea services that features more than 100 public events, including ship tours and parades and brings in more than 68,000 visitors.
To support operations while deployed in New York, Navy Fleet Week support personnel leveraged the NMCI Deployable Site Transport Boundary (DSTB) solution. The DSTB solution is a portable solution that packages the hardware, routers, power supply, virtual private network capability and direct connectivity required to securely connect to the NMCI network from anywhere the mission takes Sailors and Marines.
READ MORE about how DSTB is addressing emerging requirements of deployed units around the world.
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