
Biden Administration is Still Working on Plan for Border Wall Contracts

A government watchdog is reviewing if the pause in construction violated a budget law.


In His First Public Appearance Since Capitol Riot, Trump Visits Texas Border to Tout Wall Construction

President Trump on Tuesday visited the Rio Grande Valley in what's likely his last Texas appearance as commander-in-chief.


Donald Trump Visiting Texas' Rio Grande Valley on Tuesday as His Administration Rushes to Award More Border Wall Contracts

The president's visit comes a week after Department of Homeland Security officials touted the “historic” completion of 450 miles of border fencing during his administration.


Efforts to Stop Trump’s Border Wall Construction Could Extend Long Past Inauguration Day

President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration next month will mark a change in border policies, but the litigation over Donald Trump’s border wall could continue, wall opponents say.


Records Show Trump’s Border Wall Is Costing Taxpayers Billions More Than Initial Contracts

As the presidential election nears, a review of federal spending data found modifications to contracts have increased the price of the border wall by billions, costing about five times more per mile than it did under previous administrations.


Border Apprehensions Down Sharply in 2020 but Spiked in September

Apprehensions of unaccompanied children dropped by as much as 70% in Border Patrol sectors along the Texas-Mexico border this fiscal year.


President Trump Can’t Use $3.6 Billion in Military Funds for Border Wall Construction, Federal Court Rules

The 2-1 decision from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals comes as $3.6 billion was slated for construction of about a dozen projects, including two projects in the Laredo and El Paso areas.


ICE Guards 'Systematically' Sexually Assault Detainees in an El Paso Detention Center, Lawyers Say

Allegations include guards attacking victims in camera “blind spots” and telling them that “no one would believe” them in ICE detention centers, which imprison about 50,000 immigrants each year at a taxpayer expense of $2.7 billion.


ICE Is Making Sure Migrant Kids Don’t Have COVID-19 — Then Expelling Them to 'Prevent Its Spread'

The administration has used infection risk to justify expelling thousands of children without legal protections. But it’s only expelling kids who’ve tested negative.


Trump Says He 'Disagreed' With Privately Funded Wall, So Why Did His Administration Award the Builder $1.7 Billion in Contracts to Erect More Walls?

President Trump now claims this privately funded border wall — touted as the “Lamborghini” of fences — was built to “make me look bad,” even though the project’s builder and funders are Trump supporters.


Eroding Private Border Wall to Get an Engineering Inspection Just Months After Completion

Months after the “Lamborghini” of border walls was built along the Rio Grande, the builder agreed to an engineering inspection of his controversial structure. Experts say the wall is showing signs of erosion that threatens its stability.


South Texas Landowners Are Hoping to Use President Trump's Own Words Against Him in a New Border Wall Lawsuit

Landowners are alleging that the construction of the barrier is driven by little more than racism and politics and is therefore unconstitutional, according to a new lawsuit.


He Built a Privately Funded Border Wall. It’s Already at Risk of Falling Down if Not Fixed.

Trump supporters funded a private border wall on the banks of the Rio Grande, helping the builder secure $1.7 billion in federal contracts. Now the “Lamborghini” of border walls is in danger of falling into the river if nothing is done, experts say.


In Zapata County, Local Government Is Fighting the Federal Government to Stop One Piece of the Border Wall

The rural border county is digging in and challenging the Department of Homeland Security in court over the government’s attempt to gain access to small tract of county-owned land.


Border Wall Construction Continues During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Lawmakers and advocates call on the Trump administration to stop construction to protect public health and save taxpayer dollars.  


Senators Make Bipartisan Push to Better Protect Feds From Synthetic Opioids

Measure would ensure federal personnel have protective equipment and overdose medications on hand.


The FBI Is Investigating Massive Embezzlement of Border Patrol Union Funds

The head of the powerful union representing border patrol agents nationwide said the FBI is working to identify who stole some $500,000 out of the coffers of the El Paso local. The theft raises more questions about lawlessness in the union’s ranks.


Watchdog: EPA Needs to Improve Management of Environmental Program Along the U.S.-Mexico Border 

Documentation of progress was “frequently unreliable” and program information was “neither transparent nor accessible,” said the report.


Lawmakers Threaten Subpoena for Disciplinary Info on Border Agents Posting Racist Facebook Messages

Committee accuses Customs and Border Protection of "stonewalling" after reports it bypassed punishment for most employees involved.


A Group of Agents Rose Through the Ranks to Lead the Border Patrol. They’re Leaving It in Crisis.

How several agents from a small outpost in Arizona, including recently retired chief Carla Provost, climbed to the top of the Border Patrol, then one by one retired, leaving corruption, misconduct and a toxic culture in their wake.