The bill, sponsored by Rep. Summer Lee, D-Pa., would require that federal agencies “utilizing, funding or overseeing AI” establish civil rights offices to address algorithmic bias.
An April 2024 report said the school did not act on sexual abuse claims, lacks institutional control to prevent theft and other abuses and is unresponsive to student complaints.
COMMENTARY | “Being authentic isn’t just ‘speaking your truth,’ it also means paying
attention to the comfort level of others and respecting our own boundaries,” writes one long-time
federal employee.
A ProPublica investigation revealed how a grammatical mistake in Spanish led sheriff’s deputies in Wisconsin to wrongly blame a Nicaraguan dairy worker for his son’s death.
The departments of Homeland Security, Justice and Education will all have roles to address what the White House sees as rising discrimination on college campuses.
Officials at the department’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights backdated discrimination decisions for up to 15 days prior to their issuance and erroneously ruled in five cases, according to a new report.
The Postal Service may still prevail in lower court, but the high court has created a new precedent USPS must now follow in providing religious accommodations.
Last year, at least 1,192 people were killed by law enforcement officers in the U.S., and 26% were Black people despite making up more than 13% of U.S. population
The remains of more than 100,000 Native Americans are held by prestigious U.S. institutions, despite a 1990 law meant to return them to tribal nations. Here’s how the ancestors were stolen — and how tribes are working to get them back.
Logan Jaffe, Mary Hudetz, Ash Ngu and Graham Lee Brewer, ProPublica