
A Default on the U.S. Debt Would Be Far Worse Than a Government Shutdown. Here’s How

National security, transportation, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would be impacted.


Overhaul Federal Permitting as Part of the Debt Limit Deal? Not as Easy as It Sounds.

Time is running out for a deal on permitting legislation to be included in a debt limit bill.


Talks on a Spending and Debt Deal Come to a Halt

As negotiators look to avoid delaying paychecks for feds, Republicans say they hit pause on negotiations.


There is No Firm Plan Yet for Feds' Pay in a Debt Ceiling Breach

GovExec Senior Correspondent Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the ongoing negotiations as a default looms.


Pay Raises and Hiring Are Where Lawmakers Agree in DHS Spending BiIl

Other common ground on the Homeland Security Department's spending levels is harder to come by.


A U.S. Attorney Quits After 'Most Egregious' Hatch Act and Ethical Violation Reports

Leaking non-public information to media outlets to influence an election and using her position to gain Celtics tickets were among the transgressions found by investigators.


Biden Vows Debt Ceiling Talks Will Continue while He’s Overseas at G7 Summit

Treasury Secretary Yellen repeatedly warned Congress accounting maneuvers will be exhausted within weeks, U.S. could default on its bills as early as June 1.

Pay & Benefits

Fight the Long-Running FEHBP Abortion Ban, Gender Equity Group Urges House Democrats

The Department of Justice Gender Equality Network said the Hyde amendment unfairly makes women’s health care decisions more costly and traumatic, even when covered by exceptions in cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother.


Old Guns Could Find a New Home With Federal Law Enforcement Officers Under a New Bil

Supporters say the bill, which the House approved on Wednesday evening, will save the federal government millions of dollars.


Anti-Telework Bill Makes Its Way to the Senate

The SHOW UP Act, which narrowly passed the House in February, requires federal agencies to revert to their telework policies prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Republicans Remind the White House They Still Want to Know More About Biden’s Labor Policies for Contractors

President Biden issued an executive order last year requiring project labor agreements for federal construction work. 


Proposed Law Would Create Responsible Emerging Tech Leaders at Agencies

The bill would require a senior official at each relevant agency to oversee technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum and biotechnology to ensure responsible usage.


Republicans' Unemployment Fraud Bill Passes House, Gets Senate Version

The bill’s passage in the House fell one day after the indictment of one of its cosponsors – Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y. – for unemployment fraud.


A Debt Ceiling Breach Could Mean the Federal Government Decides Not to 'Pay Any Government Employees This Week'

Economist Patrick Gourley joins the podcast to discuss the potential debt ceiling consequences.


A Brief History of Debt Ceiling Crises and the Political Chaos They’ve Unleashed

There are political as well as economic risks to debt standoffs in Congress.


Feds Could Be Fired at Any Time for Any Reason, Under a Bill That Was Just Reintroduced

The bill also would abolish the Merit Systems Protection Board and threatens to reduce former federal employees’ retirement benefits if they file “frivolous” appeals of adverse personnel actions.


Biden's Archivist Nominee is Confirmed

Colleen Shogan will now lead the National Archives and Records Administration.

Pay & Benefits

Congressional Dems Reintroduce Bill to Revamp Federal Firefighter Pay and Benefits

The Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity Act would ensure federal wildland firefighters make at least $20 per hour, among other things.


Bipartisan Group Looks to Fix ‘Hopelessly Obsolete’ Classification System

Legislation is aimed at reducing over-classification and improving the handling of secrets.